The Mirror of the Creator

A creation is a reflection of the creator. This is true with humans when we build a construct or make art or write stories or poetry or philosophy. This is especially true with God. We are all reflections of Him in some way and in some form.  I truly believe humanity was created in God's image, and we all share some degree of his creative capacity.

    Our creativity within our minds and within our actions is where the image of God is reflected in us the greatest. That, and our capacity to show love and compassion. In fact, I look at the act of creating something as one of the highest examples and demonstrations of an act of love. Whether it be art, writing, or even the conceiving of children, creating something is, quite often, an act of love. 

       You more often than not love something you created. Something you put a part of yourself into. Something that becomes a substantial part of your life and part of who you are.  What you create is a reflection of you, in part or in whole. It's a sample of your mind and soul.

     I believe this is true pertaining to how God relates to humanity and how God relates to existence. To me, God is infinite in every respect of the term infinite. Infinite in his complexity, infinite in His creative capacity, and infinite in His love and His glory.

To me, I view that God created an existence that would be akin to Him "looking in a mirror." 


He created an existence that mirrors His own infinity. A truly infinite system created by a truly infinite creator. This is a reflection and demonstration of His power and His glory to the highest degree possible.

His creation serves as a platform for all things, especially a platform for His Love and His glory.

Another "mirror" of Himself, aside from the created existence, is His creation of other creators. These other creators, which includes humanity as well as other beings, mirror God's image even more than the infinite creation because they are conscious, willful things who have a sample of God's creative capacity. Conscious, mindful beings reflect the divinity and creativity of God far more than the infinite system that serves as their platform

A created creator reflects the image of the supreme Creator far more than anything else could. This is how I see myself and my peers as "created in God's image." To some measure or degree, all of us share in God's creativity.  We are created creators created by an absolute Creator.


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