The Judgement of the Living and the Dead

He will come from Heaven on high. Like fire and lightning he will descend from the sky. The Infinite God, His eyes and ears are present at every point in space and time.

Every atrocity was witnessed. Every cry for help heard. The scoffer's laughs and jeers did not go unnoticed. All sin is known by Him who sits on the throne.

He will judge all souls. Those alive and those dead. Everyone's achievements and failures, everyone's acts of kindness and acts of cruelty, crimes and compassion, atrocities and attainments, sins and successes, hopes and ambitions, dreams and desires, wickedness and goodness, all these things will be laid bare to his piercing and flawless judgement.

Those who thought they evaded justice, those who laugh and deny. Those who scheme and lie. Everyone's entire history will be stripped and judged down to the most minute detail. Down to the smallest measurement of time and space. Down to the precise measurement of the degree of sin and corruption. 

The judgement will be perfect in the most divine sense of the word, and all the happenings and events of this world and the lives of the people within it will be completely and utterly accounted for and perfectly discerned and judged. Jesus doesn't miss a speck or a whisp of air in anyone's history.

His judgement will be flawless. The scales of justice will be perfectly balanced. Flawless justice. Perfect vengeance. Righteous glory. For all time.


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