Freedom To Vs Freedom From

As I continue my pursuit of the greatest liberty in life, I rest assured of my infinite liberty in eternity. I also meditate on freedom a Iot. How American of me. In my meditations, I often question what liberty is, what value it can achieve for me, and what kind of liberty I'm pursuing or acting on.

     Liberty can divided and categorized in a variety of ways. One of those ways is the dichotomy of the liberty to do something versus the liberty from certain things. You need a healthy mixture of both types of liberty to be truly free. You want the ability to be able to make your own choices, but you also want to be free "from" certain things, like oppression, bondage, and hate. 

    Sometimes your liberty to do something can take a way yours or other's liberty "from" certain things, and sometimes your liberty from certain things can infringe upon your liberty to do certain things.

   Liberty is not only about choices, its also about balance. A moderation and a reduction of extremism within your life and the culture. Liberty is also about peace and maintaining a relationship between peace and liberty is essential in any society attempting to strike that balance and achieve that liberty.

      Liberty is also the freedom from things like fear and hate and the death that often comes with these things. Freedom from malevolent harm and tyranny has to be accounted for in the pursuit of peace and freedom. 

      Liberty, from my view, is achieved to fullest extent by having a well-rounded, holistic balance and moderation of all forms of liberty. A healthy arrangement of the freedom from bad things and the freedom to do good things.

This is maximal liberty in my opinion. The closest thing to perfect liberty we can get on this planet.


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