The Highest Realm

   I write about infinity a lot. I know, it can get quite redundant, but I find it to be therapeutic. For me, its about security. I feel that if I worship an infinite God, one whose creative capacity enables Him to create a system that mirrors His own infinity, I find safety in the thought of my God being an infinite Creator. After all, you can't destroy something infinite, and if He has your back, you can never truly lose. 

      It's just taking the biggest concept in mathematics and applying it to the power of a deity, giving me an idea of God that is truly limitless and truly all-powerful to an unfathomable degree to humans.  It gives me much hope to believe in something this big, and much spiritual security. 

      This faith I have strengthens my resolve to face my life every day, knowing that a God of this magnitude walks with me and dwells in my mind.  Even though my heart's desire is to simply be in His presence to the fullest extent. 

       Looking at my reality through this lens truly liberates my thinking. It blows up my mind. This lens puts this world in its place as something trivial and unfathomably tiny in the broad scheme of things compared to the broader infinity. It puts all the politics of this world, all of its problems, all of its flaws and failures, all of its disappointments into perspective as the vain and trivial things that they are. 

     The liberty of an infinite system is an absolute. A freedom that I long for above all things. The freedom of an Infinite God.  Focusing on that freedom, and that God, gives me enduring strength to face a world of wickedness, hate, and deception. In an infinite system, deception has no power in the long run, and its a system that is indestructible. Looking at reality through the lens of infinity purges out the darkness and give an insight into how complex existence truly is. 

    Above all things, though, I long for a place in the Highest Heaven. A place in the presence of my Infinite Creator King.  This Heaven is the pinnacle of Creation, higher than all other realms. I long for a place in God's kingdom more than I long for anything on earth. More than any job, any career, any relationship, I long for the Creator and a place to rest in his Highest Realm. 

     To me, the world's problems are trivial, simplistic, and vain nonsense. They achieve nothing. There is no glory in the problems here. They are, to me, a waste of time and a waste of thought. In a broader infinity, with countless arrangements of universes, countless arrangements of realities, countless realms, countless forms, countless ideas, the problems I see in our world are like a grain of dust compared to a galaxy in terms of significance and even utility. 

     As I approach my day of liberation from the deceptions, mundanity, and vanity of this world, I remember that God put me here for a reason. One that I haven't completely appreciated.  Even so, I long for the freedom of eternity now more than ever, to where the darkness of this culture no longer holds any sway over me.  I am patiently awaiting my liberation from this lost and dying world. 

I'm sure I can wait just a little longer


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