Darkness, Light, and Truth


      “When it comes to controlling human beings there is no better instrument than lies. Because, you see, humans live by beliefs. And beliefs can be manipulated. The power to manipulate beliefs is the only thing that counts.”

― Michael Ende, The Neverending Story

The darkness denies the light. If it could, it would deny it out of existence. People living in darkness have a hard time comprehending light and truth, and so they fear it. Even hate it. Many bright people who have shined light into this world have been imprisoned, killed, or even mutilated because of the fear that the light they showed caused in the people living in deception and darkness. 

    The quote above comes from the book "The Neverending Story" and its about a fantasy world being consumed by an enemy simply known as "the nothing." An all-consuming darkness that destroys all things it touches.  The fantasy world was representative of the human imagination, and "the nothing" was the emptiness of the mind and blindness of thought that deception and darkness brings about in our minds and ideations.  

     Since the fantasy world was allegorous to the human imagination, it had no boundaries. It was as infinite as an infinite realm could be. The only true antithesis of infinity is nothing. Zero.


 As a result, the only true enemy of the human mind and imagination, and existence in general, is darkness, the absence of light, and we give it as much power as we want to. If you shine light, darkness being a non-existence can't withstand light, because light is a tangible, measurable thing. Darkness is just its absence. 

 The human belief systems are governed by an often unverifiable and unvalidatable combination of truths and falsities that form the entire mental construct of our worldviews and minds. As a result, if you can manipulate beliefs, you can control people. You can get them to do great and terrible things.  Because of the fallibility of human judgement and the uncertainty surrounding the legitimacy of beliefs, the human mind can be relatively easily swayed, ebbed, and flowed given the context of the situation and the objective of the manipulator. 

Lies have always had power over the human mind because of uncertainty and unverifiability. This is why if you shroud something in enough uncertainty it will always enable deception. Uncertainty is like a fog that you can't see through clearly. If blindness is black, then uncertainty is grey. A mix of both darkness and light.  Uncertainty of belief has enabled many lies and falsehoods to be formulated to achieve a sinister or misguided objective, often deceiving people long enough for the objective to be completed and its too late to stop the schemer from achieving their goal. 

  Because human belief systems are often unprovable and unfalsifiable, the ambiguity enables such a manipulation and deception.  Human beliefs are, aside from natural drives, probably the most significant catalyst for human behavior. 

      My way around my own ambiguity and uncertainty with my beliefs is surprisingly not skepticism. Extreme skepticism can lead someone to deny the realness of everything.  It's infinitism. I believe EVERYTHING exists, just not in one point in time or point in space or just one realm of reality, and I believe there are an infinite amount of "things" that exist. 

 If everything exists, than the only thing that doesn't exist is nothingness, darkness. The void isn't real.  It takes away deception's sting, and the blackness of lies loses almost all its power

 Reality becomes an infinite absolute, and nothingness is the only unreal thing.  

      This is my belief system, which shapes my internal reality, and it is a bright belief system. One where there is no room for darkness.  

That doesn't mean I'm oblivious to the external laws and situations, it just helps me shine a brighter light into a dark world, where so many minds are darkened and clouded and hope is under constant attack. 


       In a belief system like this, deception is just a product of uncertainty, one of the core defining traits of our external world. If uncertainty isn't present, deception would have no room to exist and operate.  Unfortunately, human minds are shrouded in uncertainty even in their own internal world, which can lead us to deceive ourselves a bit. 

       A darkened mind is a playground for deception, and if you shine light there, people in the dark fear the light, and you often hate what you fear.

 Darkness only has the power you give it, especially in your own thoughts and mind. You eliminate darkness, you eliminate conflict. You eliminate conflict, you create lasting peace. If reality is as boundless as our imaginations are, and existence is a truly infinite thing, than the only real enemy of our reality is the void, nothingness, darkness.

Darkness is always killed by light.

Nothingness is always killed by the truth.


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