The Inevitables of Life

There are some things that are inescapable once you are born into the world. Things that

no matter how hard you try to evade, they will still impact you in your life.


For one, you are going to make mistakes. This is an inescapable fact of being human. The important thing is you learn from them. The world and many people in your life may not forgive you for many of your mistakes, but human beings are not notable for being the most forgiving of creatures. Forgiveness is a divine trait, not a human one, and the most important person to forgive is yourself. If other people can't move past, that's on them.

You are going to royally piss someone off at some point in your life, or many people. Some people will be pissed just because you still exist. Again, this is on them. If you are upsetting people for being who you are when you've done no harm to them, that's their insecurities, their flaws, that they are not strong enough or brave enough to overcome. 

Don't be ashamed of being brave enough to be yourself.

You are going to say things you regret and do things you regret.

You are going to be a hypocrite. Only Jesus in all his glory can reserve the right to claim to be free of hypocrisy. The rest of us would be hypocrites by claiming not to be hypocrites.

You are going to break someone's heart. Whether it is a pretty girl, a cute guy, a friend, a sibling, a parent, at some point you are going to devastate someone you love.

Someone will break your heart. That's something we all face.

You are going to have broken dreams and lost causes, but God is the great returner of broken dreams, and eternity's a long time to have your dreams fulfilled.

You are going to lose someone who you love dearly to death. A true inevitability. No one lives forever, and you will taste a harsh loss.

You too, will also die.

Death is a certainty.

Taxes? Not anymore these days. A lot of people are getting away without paying them.

On top of the negative inevitabilities, there are positive ones, too.

You will fall in love with someone. No one is brought into this world without some measure of love in them for someone.

Someone, somewhere, in some way, loves you more then you could ever know.

You will some some way, even if you are not an athlete.

You will have fun...many times...but not all the time.

You will help someone more than you could know when you are helping them.

You will have happiness and joy, even if life is bleak and dark.

God...or lord, creator of infinite potency, and heavenly father, will love you, even if you don't love Him.

There are many more, but this list is what I came up with on my smoke break. Since I don't smoke anymore writing is my cigarettes now.

Much healthier habit I suppose.


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