It's ok to be low

I used to get so upset when I would be reminded of what I don't have, whether that be wealth, a rewarding career, a beautiful family, you name it. I still do sometimes. It still frustrates me when I see what I want and can't have it. 

Jealousy's quite brutal of an emotion. It makes you forget how good what you do have is by reminding you of what you don't have. I hated feeling unequal and disadvantaged. I always wanted to be in the same ballpark, on the same playing field, as everyone else.

I've learned in life that there are many types of equality and many types of advantages. You might be equal with others in some ways, exceed others in some ways, and be worse than others in some ways. A person is multifaceted and multidimensional, and equality will happen in some of those dimensions and not happen in others. 

Nobody has the Superman arrangement of traits and advantages. We don't get the "God Mode" cheat code. None of us do. We are all good at some things, and bad at others. I'm a really good writer, but I'm really bad at social queues and social awareness. I have a paralysing fear of driving, but I am not afraid to speak my mind. All of us are good at some things and bad at others. 

The Human Being is not 1 dimensional, 2 dimensional, or even 3 dimensional. We have a brain that has the same level of connections as there are galaxies in the universe and is probably the most complex system in the universe aside from the universe itself. We are extremely mulidimensional, and as a result equalities and inequalities, advantages and disadvantages, abilities and inabilities are all going to apply to each individual differently.

An organism that can imagine entire universes or think about infinite systems and has that capacity is going to have a complex relationship with concepts like equality and liberty.

In life, as a person, no matter how disadvantaged or unequal you feel, just remember its ok to be low. Its ok to be a servant.

It's ok to be at the bottom. Jesus was. Now He sits at God's Right Hand.

I'm sure a God who created a truly infinite existence has plans for you to share in his love and glory.

I'm ok with being low. I am getting to a point where I don't care about labels anymore. I don't care that I have a Bipolar diagnosis. I don't care that I am a Janitor. I love my job. 

I don't care about the traumas or failures as much anymore. They will always be with me, but I know where I stand with Jesus.

It's ok to be low. God loves the low and the high. One cannot exist without the other. A throne can't stand in a building unless that building has a foundation.


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