Hoping and Coping

Writing my thoughts down is probably the healthiest coping mechanism I have. It's my favorite therapy. I write all the time, once a day or more at least. I write about a range of topics ranging from religion, philosophy, infinity, information theory, intelligence gathering, etc. 

    Quite a few topics get covered on my facebook and my blog. I write this all down now, publicly, because I like being an open book. I don't do anything risky or illicit, so I don't have really much to hide at all.  I write these big topics because I like to exercise my mind as much as possible. I like to stretch the limits of my thoughts and imagination. 

I write it down now, primarily, because people have been telling me to do so for years. I started listening to them. Now I have a nice record of thoughts and ideas that I've been thinking about for years and new ones I've developed. 

     It is how I cope with a life that didn't satisfy me. A life that promised so much more than it actually gave. Writing is the most useful tool I have at my disposal to show the world the inner workings of my mind, and one of the most useful, and most important, tools of my self defence and self-advocacy. This is how I put up my shield. This is how I fight my battles.

I cope with life by writing my mind into the external world. My faith in Jesus Christ and the infinite God that He is also helps me cope, but does so much more than that. He gives me such a hope of hopes, such a powerful idea in my mind that makes the pains and agonies of my life so absolutely worth it, knowing that Jesus is walking with me every step of the way. A hope that is so blindingly radiant in my mind that when I remember to cherish it and hold onto it, all my fear disappears. 

Don't get me wrong, I have bad days. I have mood swings that tank my outlook, but Jesus is always there, leading me through the darkness. He is an infinite God, one whose power, scope, and glory has no limits. 

He gives me the most powerful of hopes when He graces me with his love and presence. The hope of eternity with an infinite God in an infinite existence. Never ceasing in love, never ceasing in victory, and never ceasing in the glory of God. 

I hope in Jesus, I cope with this journey in this world by writing out my mind that God made and blessed me with. 

I know I will get where God wants me to be.

I know He walks with me and sends angels to look out for me.

I know He loves me more than I can ever imagine.


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