Courage and Faith


I love bravery. Courage is one of my favorite concepts and traits by far. I try to be as brave as I can be and stand up for what is right and just even if it costs me something. I am not fearless, though. I have a lot of fears.

 I'm afraid of losing people I love and losing stability. I fear being a victim of evil and hate. I have fears, yes, but I still wake up every morning and go to work. I still go hang out with friends and talk to strangers.

In my mind, if you don't have courage, than all that you have is at risk of being taken from you. I would rather be brave and lose something than survive or evade by cowardice.

Don't get me wrong, I've been a coward at times in my life. I've been beaten down and subdued to a point where I was too afraid to stand up for myself or others. I think we all get this way at some points.

I think the pathway to courage is paved with fright and abuse. I think bravery can be conditioned into someone. I also think it can be lost. It's something you have to maintain.

As I have read scripture over the years, I've noticed something about God. He absolutely loves bravery. It is something a precious trait in humans to him. I look at David and Goliath, Joshua as he led the israelites into Canaan. Or even Jesus as He faced crucifixion and brutality when He died.

Not only does God love bravery. He loves the underdog. I think it's because the underdog knows he needs help. An underdog knows he needs God, and God is glorified to a high degree when He helps a lowly person beat a powerful opponent or insurmountable odds.


There is glory in that. Win or lose, their is glory in bravery. Even if you die being brave and standing up for what's right and for those you love, you become a sacrifice that naturally brings about sympathy, respect, and admiration for what you have done. 

Just look at how we revere Jesus, or how we revere martyrdom. 

Their bravery in their deaths turned them into something sacred. Something divine even (obviously with Jesus this is the case.)

Bravery to me is so much more valuable, and so much more powerful, than just strength or toughness. Bravery is a divine trait almost, because even the weakest and smallest can be brave. It is on such a higher level of traits than other traits of character or being. 

Bravery is the trait of heroes, and it is the substance of nobility and honor. Without bravery, humanity can accomplish little more than a fraction of our potential. 

Without bravery, evil has nothing to stand in its way, and fear dominates the world.


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