The Judgement and the Burning

We seem to be on a precipice. As I write this, America prepares to elect its leadership again, and with this comes the very real risk of civil unrest and disorder to follow it. The destabilization brought about by Covid-19 and the resulting economic disruption puts our country, our world even, at risk of disaster or calamity. The future is always uncertain, and no one knows exactly how things will play out, but what I do know is that every physical thing is bound to entropy, including political and social systems.

     Social entropy breaks down all human systems over time, and this can be made to happen quicker and made worse by events like pandemics and conflict. The decay of complex systems are inevitable, but you can refresh the systems themselves and restart the entropy.


          Paradigm shifts in politics, the sciences, and society as a whole can restart this entropy process, although paradigm shifts can cause much discord and resistance to change, but if successful, some paradigm shifts can lead to long-lasting prosperity and stability that can stretch out the entropy process over a longer period of time.

     Even so, the physical world will still die. It cannot escape death, just like all of us humans can't either. I take the concepts of sin and the concepts of justice and retribution from higher authorities very seriously. I know that we all face judgement at some point. This includes the world as a whole. The judgement of our species and the judgement of our nations will happen eventually. The question is how harsh and how consequential that judgement may be. 

     A Christians hope is in the return of Jesus Christ, who in our belief will be the judge of the living and the dead. He will establish His kingdom that will be supreme and perfect in its governing process and social structure. A true flawless Kingdom

No one knows the time, or place, or procedure by which these events will happen. It will come like a "thief in the night."

    Even so, scripture makes it clear that this world will be destroyed. Much like the flood in ancient times, humanity will reach a point of depravity and corruption that will force God's hand. Only this time it will be destroyed by fire.

    I look at 2nd Peter chapter 3 of the new testament, which discusses the "Day of the Lord," a day discussed in the bible of the wrath of God and His judgement being poored onto the world. In this chapter, peter discusses the destruction of the world and of the "ungodly." It says even the heavens will be destroyed, and offers readers a warning to watch their behavior and be at peace with God as they look forward to this. 

     This chapter also talks about a new heaven and a new earth being made where righteousness dwells.  

    Again, no one knows the time or place. No one knows how these events will unfold. 

Personally though, I think humanity is pushing God to a point where this might occur in the not-too-distant future. I don't think we are far off in our ways of bringing about this wrath. I feel we are very much on a precipice. Of course, I can't say with certainty. There have been many doomsday sayers and predictors that have been wrong in often humiliating fashions. I have no idea when this will happen, but I believe it will happen.

      I believe humanity will push God to a point of judgement. I believe Jesus will come back to judge the world. This world will die eventually. I don't know when.

     For now, I place my faith that God knows what He is doing.

 I pray that this election tomorrow doesn't rip our country in half.


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