The Internal World Versus the External World

 The world we live in is complex. There are many places, many things to do, many forms, and many ideas. There are many people to talk to and many wonders to behold with our senses. Going out even further, our galaxy, our universe, and existence is even more complex and wondrous.  That is the external world, the external existence. All living things share it, operate in it, and experience it. That is the place where we learn, grow, build relationships, and build our lives. 

    Even with the external world comes another, more intimate world. The world within ourselves. I would argue that each individual human has an internal world. One with dreams, with hopes, with desires, with fantasies, and with thoughts and images and creativity in our own right. Even so, humans are isolated receivers of information, separate from other humans and other consciousness by our isolated minds and coupled with our internal worlds and our internal awareness, humans are essentially a world within a world. With our imaginations, we can have worlds within our own consciousness that we can interact with and escape into within our own minds. Depending on the depth and advancement of our imaginations and creativity, we can even get as complex as having entire universes within our own minds. 

    Humans are the only form of life that we know of that have this capacity. We are the only organism with this level of creativity on earth. This trait, this "world within a world" complex, or even "universe within a world" complex is one of the things that makes humanity so special, so different, from other forms of life. It is the mind and its creative capacity that reflects the image of God the most, not our bodies. 

      This trait is also what makes terminating a human life so egregious and horrible. You are literally killing an entire world, sometimes an entire universe, when you kill a person. Of course, there are other reasons why murder is so evil, some more simple than this. This is just a different take on the sanctity of life. A mind is a horrible thing to destroy.  

    The relationship between our internal world and our external world is very interrelated and very dependent on each other for mutual learning, mutual experience, and relationships with other "worlds" (human beings). Things like love, friendship, freedom, experience, hope, dreams, glory, learning, victory, and others cannot be possible without the relationship between the internal world and the external world or the relationship between yourself and others in your life. 

      As receivers of information, we intake the external world and learn from it, and much of our internal world is constructed from information we intake from the external, which is why the relationship between the two is so important. 

Since you have control of your mind (for the most part), you have more control of the internal world of yourself. The internal world is more abstract and more fluid than the external world. It can be more easily manipulated. I view the human imagination as having a tap or connection to the abstract realm of existence. A realm far more infinite, far more potent, far more complex, and far more free than the external realm would ever be. In this realm, which your mind can have a strong connection to, things like an infinite existence or other concepts and ideas can become all the more accessible and, at least in your own mind, all the more plausible. 

        You will have far more freedom in the abstract and in your imagination than the external world can give you. No country, not even America in all its liberty rhetoric, and no human being can give you the freedom and adventure and purpose that comes with the infinite potential of the abstract realm. The infinite potential of the human mind and imagination. The abstract realm and its potential for true infinity has far more freedom than anything in the external world. It is the realm where an infinite existence is truly possible, and the only way you can access such an infinity and such an adventure or purpose is within the realm of the human imagination. The external world is too rigid, too confined, and too controlled. 

   Plus, many of the "worlds within the world," those other human beings that dwell here, have such small minds and such limited imaginations. Some have no imaginations at all. Some harm, violate, and even cripple or kill the gifted, the bigger minds, the creative worlds, because of things like jealousy, hate, and fear. Creativity is always a threat to power. As a result, many creative people are oppressed or eliminated because of the threat they become. 

    The freedom, glory, and adventure of the abstract realm, of the realm of the imagination, is unparalleled in the external world. The infinite potential and the all around boundlessness of the imagination provides an avenue for escape and liberty from an often unforgiving, often harsh, and often restricted external world. I will never have the freedom in the external world, in the deceptive and oppressive physical realm that my body is imprisoned in, in a sense, than I do in my internal world. In my imagination. In my own mind. That's where my infinite existence is. That is where my adventure and liberty dwells. I believe that my eternity is glimpsed and sampled by this abstract, internal world. I believe that by surrendering to God, the true creator, I will inherit a much more real, much more tangible, much more substantial version of this abstract realm of my mind, and the sample of infinity I have tapped into. 

 With God, all things are truly possible. That includes an infinite existence, to explore, study, compete, and play games in for eternity. A relationship with God, the world that creates worlds, the world that dwells within worlds, and the world that conquers worlds is the only way such a manifestation of my biggest dream is possible.


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