The Finiteness of Evil

No matter how horrible, brutal, unforgiving, vicious, or terrifying evil may be, it is not the supreme force in existence. Not by a long shot. Evil is based on a darkness, an absence, a blindness. All it takes to destroy a darkness is light, and light obliterates darkness. Light is substantial. Light is real. Darkness is not substantial. It is an absence. An emptiness.  Darkness doesn't exist in its own right. 

    If God is infinite, and his creation shares in his infinity to an extent, I believe that evil is finite. It is limited. It is not all powerful. It is not an infinite force. In fact evil is a representative of the the true antithesis of creation; void. Nothingness. Emptiness. Darkness. Anything that acts on behalf of or spreads darkness or emptiness into reality is acting on behalf of evil to an extent.  

       Evil things usually destroy, corrupt, pervert, or steal, as do evil people.  However, evil people are often deceived in terms of the scope of their power, the scope of their reach, and the scope of their imaginations.  Evil is not as imaginative, nor as infinite, as good is. Evil is also often a blindness to the truth, and deception in its own right. Deception is a darkness in itself.

     Because of the finiteness of evil, and the restrictions and limitations of being finite, compared with the infiniteness of God and the unlimitedness of goodness and the unlimitedness of love, evil always loses in the end.  The devil, the embodiment of evil, is a finite creation, not an infinite Creator. He doesn't have the reach, the scope, and the depth of an infinite mind, like God does.  In the great battle between good and evil, good is truly limitless, truly infinite, and something infinite cannot be destroyed by something finite. Evil is a darkness. A blindness and ignorance of truth. It is a void and emptiness.

 Since evil's foundation is in darkness, evil and the agents of evil are limited. Their powers are finite. Darkness cannot defeat or eliminate light. Light, by nature and design, conquers and absolutely overcomes and vanquishes darkness.

    If you want to explain the eternal battle between good and evil in alternative terms, it can be explained as a battle between infinity and finiteness, the umlimited versus the limited, light and darkness, creation and destruction, truth and deception. In a sense, these battles can be reduced to the simplest dichotomy of existence. The battle between what exists outright and what doesn't.  

        This is why evil never wins in the end. It's based on a non-existence. It is the acting force in existence of a void and destruction. This creates a fundamental limitation in the scope of its power and the scope of the imaginations of evil people and evil entities. This limitation makes it impossible for a finite evil to defeat an infinite God and an infinite creation. Darkness cannot destroy light, but light can destroy darkness.


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