I know

I know everything about you

I know every mistake

I know every accomplishment

I know every blessing

I know every curse

I know every gift you have been given

I know every loss you have been dealt

I know what you want

I know also what you need

I know what you hope for

I know your dreams

I know your thoughts

I know your secrets

I know you as someone who tries to be honest

I know you as someone who tries to be good

I know you didn't mean for so much darkness to happen in your life.

I know you didn't intend to hurt your family or alienate your friends

I know you want to do what's right

I know you want liberty

I know you want to be healthy

I know where you belong

I know who loves you

I know who hates you

I know who hurts you

I know who helps you

I know where you came from

I know where you are going

I know your pain

I know how much you struggle

I know you tried your best

I know, dear child, that you know I am your God

Most importantly, I know how much you love me

What you need to know is that I will always love you like a son, and I will protect you and carry you into my Kingdom and you will inherit my eternal liberty, eternal love, and eternal glory. 

That is all you need to know

I know who you are better than you know yourself.

I know


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