Alien Information and the Mind's Connection to a Broader Existence

      I write about information quite a bit. Whether it is information theory, abstract versus concrete information, or posts on ideas (which are forms of abstract information in their own right), the topic of information comes up rather frequently in my posts. 

        I have written posts on how the imagination and certain components of the media act as mediums by which information from other realms of existence can be transmitted into our world. In other words our minds and the media bridge our world with others that very well could exist.  

       From my perspective, I view the human mind as a sample of a much larger, singular consciousness, something akin to what many would call God, and that we are a finite, isolated sample of that broader infinite cosmic mind. As a result, many of us inherit the creative quality of that infinite mind, and most of us have the capacity to tap into that creativity to at least a rudimentary level.


      As a result, our minds are connected to a broader consciousness, and a broader existence. In being a part of that bigger mind and a construct of that infinite mind ourselves, our minds, in particular our imaginations, can act as internal "portals" to other realms of this infinite existence. Some of us can access and bear hosts to foreign, "alien" ideas and information, and this information can be applied in a fictional setting or even applied in a practical setting or scenario. 

      Most, if not all, of the major innovations of humanity have come from the creativity and ingenuity of a few individual's minds and imaginations.  The theory of relativity was a construct of one man's mind and then applied to the physical external world through tests and observations. 

      Computers and many of the essential technologies of our day to day lives come from the minds of creative people and are applied to this shared external reality we call our particular world and universe.

         If my idea about our minds being a finite, isolated sample of a broader infinite mind that retains a level of connection to that mind has a semblance of truth to it, the potential for the innovation and ingenuity of humanity can be truly limitless.

       An infinite mind would have an infinite collection and range of forms and ideas at its disposal to operate with, and if this is true humans could potentially tap into that infinity of possibilities, leaving us with a boundless supply of innovative opportunities.

       Since our minds can tap into that broader infinite mind if we request it and work towards it, our minds become portals to other realms of existence essentially. At least this is a core tenet of what I believe. Through this creativity and this connection to a broader mind, we can possibly bring foreign, "alien" ideas and information that could revolutionize our understanding of existence and our way of existing and humanity's method of operating in this world or this universe.

           The mind of God is a powerful thing. The mind of God is a limitless thing. The mind of God is an infinite thing, and in its infinity the possibilities of existence and humanity's potential, being created with a sample of that infinite mind, is truly boundless. We can access ideas and constructs of reality and ways of arranging societies and technological innovation that can put our species in a position of immense success and prosperity if we allow ourselves to do so.

      I've argued that some forms of information have a "livingness" quality to it in its own right, and humans bear host to that living information and often become acting agents of the ideas and constructs that make up that information. Coming from the perspective that the mind has a connection to a broader existence and a broader mind, some humans can have the ability of bringing ideas and information into our world from other worlds, or other realms of existence.  

         Much of our major political, social, technological, and cultural advancements and developments have come exclusively from the ingenuity and creativity of the human mind. Those ideas have to come from somewhere.

       Unfortunately, just like good, positive, and beneficial ideas can be brought into our world from other realms, so can horrible, depraved, destructive, and perverse ideas and information can be brought here by the minds of humans as well.   

       The human imagination, being connected to a broader infinity, has access to both the dark, wicked evils of existence as well as the beautiful, glorious, good, wonderful, even divine ideas and information.  We have the choice to siphon from which side of that good\evil, dark\light dichotomy of that infinite existence and infinite mind we want to. It's the whole "which wolf do you feed" concept. 

      Now, of course, there is a difference between our imaginations and our minds and the external world.  What is in our minds cannot be known by other humans until we share it with them.  Often, when the internal world of our minds and the external world of our social groups and societies don't mesh or our functionality is impeded by our internal world to where we are detached from the shared external reality, this is often a sign of what society would call insanity or "psychosis." 

     Even in our detachment in these states, our minds are still somewhere.  Our minds are still in a form of reality with its own constructs and its own ideas. It's just that reality isn't in harmony with the external reality, and individuals in those states of breaking with the external reality cannot discern between what is in their minds and what is shared by the rest of the human beings in their external reality.  The lines between their imaginations-the internal workings of their minds, and the real world become blurred, skewed, and sometimes non-existent. This can be dangerous and destructive, whether they are connected to a broader reality or not.

     Also, some ideas and constructs don't always mesh well or are unoperational when applied to our own external reality.  However, some information and ideas we access in our minds very well can be applied to the external, shared reality of humanity. Both the good ideas and the good well as the bad stuff.

         We can open portals to heaven, or portals to hell, within our own minds, and sometimes we can even spread them to our external world. To the rest of humanity.  It's happened before, its happening right now, and it will continue to happen.  For better or for worse, that connection to that broader infinite mind can allow us access to ideas that can possibly change our world for the better, or possibly destroy it.

       Of course, I have no way of proving our minds are connected to a broader infinite consciousness. I have no way of proving any of what this post has said, but just look at what happens when the human mind innovates. When the human mind exercises creativity.  The power of ideas and information remain clear and well established whether existence is infinite, or God exists as an infinite mind, or not.  Our minds are exceedingly powerful, and that's where our connection to that broader, abstract, infinite existence is at its strongest and most defined place. It's "focal point" so to speak.

      This theory forms one of the core components and core tenets of my belief system.   Whether it is falsifiable or provable is not my focus. These ideas structure and provide the foundation to my thoughts. Even if some people consider this line of thinking as insanity, that label is irrelevant and of no bearing on my attempt to maximize the liberty of my thoughts and the liberty of my mind.

     My mind is where I am at my most defined and most potent of liberties.  A liberty, I must say, that the external world of my society will never, and could never, offer me.  

Good night


  1. Wow, What an Excellent post. I really found this to be very informative. I would like to suggest that you keep sharing this type of info. Aliens in Genesis


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