Words, Images, and Abstract Information

We ingest abstract information all the time. When we read a book, look at a painting, watch a fantasy/science fiction movie. Abstract information is everywhere. Without abstract information, life would lose any semblance of meaning, wonder and mystery.

      Basing my thought's off of Plato's philosophy of Forms and Ideas, I'd like to view abstract information as coming from two primary sources: imagery and words.

  Imagery usually deals with physical forms. Structures and shapes that may be impractical in real life or images of technology not yet made real in a truly physical sense yet. Shapes and structures are usually dealt with in abstract imagery like art or pictures.

     Words, on the other hand, deal with abstract ideas, although they also label forms. Ideas are generally not very physical, and as a result can only be conveyed to the human mind through words and language. Things like love, liberty, infinity, God, democracy. These things can only be comprehended through a language that can be applied to them, verbal or otherwise.

       Both abstract forms and abstract ideas are truly eternal. The concepts and structural forms exist, in my belief anyway, whether or not there is a physical mold to take on forms or a conscious organism to bear host to and contemplate abstract ideas.

The abstract realm is not bound by entropy. As a result, it never dies. Since the concept of infinity is an abstract idea, i believe the abstract realm is truly infinite. Since eternity is an abstract idea, I believe the abstract realm is truly eternal.


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