The Infiniteness of God


     In my relationship with the Creator, I am partial to focusing on what I view to be the magnitude of His creation, which I believe to be infinite in its own right, even given the finite (albeit still massive) state of our own universe.


     I often neglect to focus on the infiniteness of the Creator himself when I focus only on the creation. The Creator's infiniteness is of a degree and intensity that far exceeds even the infiniteness of what He created. This is hard for me to imagine. It's hard for anyone to imagine very well, to be honest. It goes over the heads of humanity as a collective by, well, infinite number. 

         No one can understand the mind of an infinite God, nor can they understand the connections and intricacies of the complexities within such a mind, or the intensities and richness of its thoughts and constructs. 

 For me, and my relationship with God, no matter how awesome His creation is or any other component of his infiniteness, it is the infiniteness of His love that makes up my admiration, takes up my fascination, wakes up my imagination, and shakes up my mental state in a positive way as I try to grow closer to Him. 

       I play a lot of word and number games in my writings and talks. As far as God's love goes, I would say things like "God loves me more than the 954.5 nontillion possible forms that love can take in this sector of the infinite existence." Just random extremely massive numbers combined in a phrase that suggests love can take uncountable forms. 

         It's mostly wordplay, but it is mind expanding wordplay that stretches the limits of your imagination. The idea of a mind with the ability to generate an infinite amount of forms and an infinite amount of ideas exists at least conceptually (otherwise I wouldn't be able to write this post). 

     As I focus on the infiniteness of God's love for me and all His children, I play around with numbers and concepts. The main point with this mind exercise is to make me aware of how complex God is and how vast His mind is. If I can imagine that there would be an infinite amount of forms, or an infinite degree of intensity, that things like God's love and God's glory can take, then God can think of this too. 

   Obviously He can, because He made me who I am, and I'm pretty sure His imagination is infinitely more vast, and infinitely more powerful, than mine. So too, in terms of vastness, is His infinite love for me.


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