Predatory Nations

    Historically, nations and cultures that forgo war and the preparation for it don't last very long in this world. If you pacify yourself in a world full of predators, it's the equivalent of feeding yourself to the wolves.


        Humans are a predatory species, both biologically speaking (we hunt and eat other animals) and in regards to our own kind. We are a self-preying species. Whether through war, slavery, or oppression, a good portion of our species preys upon its own kind, not for food of course, but for dominance and the fruition of hate.

       Nations that are predatory have often had a better chance of survival and have been more successful at acquiring resources and territory. In modern times however, predatory nations are running the risk of leeching humanity to the point of sabotaging the entirety of our species. Predatory practices such as slavery and oppression are practices which pose great risk to the stability of many parts of the world. Economically speaking predatory practices against other human beings are unsustainable in the long term, even if they are profitable or politically advantagious in the immediate. 

    Morally/ethically speaking, self-preying behavior is a great cause of disgust because of its inhumane nature. It is very reprehensible and unnatural. Obviously it is quite cruel.

     Over the long term, predatory activities such as war and belligerent behavior towards other nations is a hindrance on the progression of our species towards the necessary state of unity needed to explore what else is out there in the universe. Continuous predatory behavior, in particular modern, industrial warfare, has such high destructive capacity to it that it runs the risk of collapsing the world and destroying our species.

     Predatory economic practices are unsustainable in the long term, as such practices often undercut the social and economic foundation of the society involved, usually including the working poor and middle class.

     The abomination of slavery and its predatory nature is another sabateur of humanity. Turning human beings into a commodity to be bought and sold infringes on the most fundamental qualities of human existences, the ability to make choices in our lives at the most basic level. Doing this on a mass scale sabotages the stability of societies and its predatory nature prevents humanity from advancing to a point where unity and sociopolitical equality can be achieved.

     The deprivation of liberty prevents the achievement of such unity. No matter how you justify it, and no matter what form it takes, slavery and oppression are always wrong. They also almost always lead to war eventually.

      It comes down to the simplest principle in morality and ethics, treat people with dignity and compassion, do no harm, and value human life. In doing so you create a more sustainable society and a more stable world. Mutualistic altruism and the taking care and protection of people is a much more sustainable and advanced method of operating for humanity than predatory social darwinism.

       Such compassionate approaches are much less sabotaging to our species and less likely to cripple the world. In short, sustainability, altruism, and ethical responsibility should be the priority of every nation and humanity as a whole. These things would make life far more pleasant and increase social longevity to a significant degree.

    Its tragic, that humanity hasn't learned to the necessary extent yet that compassion, mutualism, and altruism are the some of the only practices our species can take that can prevent our own destruction and reverse the decay of a dying world.


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