My Eternity

Death doesn't scare me. There are plenty of things that are far worse than death in life to worry about. Encagement. Enslavement. A crippling injury. A debilitating disease. Death, to me, would be a liberation of sorts. A chainbreaking. I just go home.


         For me, entering into eternity would be the most eye-opening  and most liberating experience possible. For me, eternity would be spent absolutely consumed with the glory of God and allowed to dwell in His presence unceasingly. I would get to experience the infiniteness and overwhelming power and majesty of the Creator's nature. I would get to be immersed into His infinite love for all time. 


       I would like to spend my eternity exploring. I would like to go from world upon world, culture upon culture, civilization upon civilization, galaxy upon galaxy, and universe upon universe. Never ceasing in exploration of God's infinite creation. I wouldn't do this alone. I would like Jesus to be my companion, my guide, and my leader/lord in this great endeavor and adventure into His infinite creation. If I am going to go explore, study, compete, and play games in God's creation, I would rather do it with God Himself as my guide and my friend, my mentor and my master. He knows His creation better than I do. 

         Eternity is a long time to do this. It would take an eternity to do this, to be honest.  Eternal life is an absolute necessity in the exploration of the infinite. However, the infinity of God's creation is no match or no equal to the infinity of God himself. Aside from exploring what He has created, being struck incessantly by the awesomeness of the Creator's own infinity would be of the highest honor. Being consumed and overwhelmed by the glory and wonder of God's own infinity would be an experience that renders the terms "bliss," "euphoria," and "awestruck"  obsolete. Entirely new words would be needed to describe the state of a created mind being bathed and immersed into the glory of the infinite nature and supremacy of the Creator. 

       The only thing more amazing that I can think of than an infinite creation and the unceasing exploration of it is being immersed in and graced with the presence of the Creator of it. Exploring the infiniteness of the Creator, on top of exploration of the creation, would make my eternity absolutely fulfilled. The cup would overflow, to be honest. This experience would be made all the more perfect by being completely immersed and my spirit and mind overwhelmed and overfilled with God's infinite and eternal love.


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