Crosses and Zero Points

    The microcosm fascinates me almost as much as the macrocosm does. The realm of the small has its own mysteries. Its own wonders. Its own beauty.

    I am fascinated by quantum structures and the quantum level of the physical reality in general. The particles, the laws, quarks, gluons, bosons, fields, quantum foam, singularities, all these things perk my curiosity from time to time. 

     I am fascinated with zero-points. Points in space and time that are irreducible in their smallness and lie at the smallness boundary of our physical universe. Infinitely small points, to put it another way. I call it a boundary because I believe past this smallness boundary is not an absence or nothingness, but a broader infinity our physical realm is projected from.

     As a follower of Christ, I find it interesting that the best way to geometrically symbolize a zero point is a cross. Two intersecting lines with the infinitely small point being where the lines intersect. I don't find pure coincidence in these things. To me, they happen for a reason, even if to the layperson it has the appearance of randomness. 

   A cross representing the infinitely small and infinitely small points is fitting for my understanding of God. God is infinite, and his infiniteness goes both up the scale to largeness, and down the scale to smallness. 

    A cross representing both the sacrifice of Jesus and something infinitely small does not go unnoticed by me as I nurture my faith. In a sense, that infinite smallness is a boundary, a portal in a way, to a broader existence, and crossing that boundary takes you to a realm only God understands. Only he knows what's there. That's his realm. His territory. 

      Having a cross symbolize the infinitely small is fitting, as the only way to God's kingdom is through a cross. It's the one his Son died on. The double-representation of the infinitely small and a symbol of the price paid for entry into God's infinite kingdom by a symbol like the cross strikes me as extremely powerful and mystical in a sense. I don't think its accidental. The infiniteness of God is unfathomable to the human mind. We can only come close to comprehending the infiniteness of His love, which is most greatly demonstrated by the sacrifice of the Christ, His only Son, on a cross.


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