Blindness of the Mind

     There is a blindness that plagues humanity, and it is far worse than any plague of a virus or disease. It is a blindness of the mind, where truth is concealed or lost in a sea of mass deception and distortion. It is a blindness to the reality of sin and evil. It is a blindness to the consequences of reckless and riotous living. It is a blindness that undercuts the conceptual foundation of our reality in the minds of millions of people. It is a blindness that takes away the value of sacredness and denies the existence of holiness and the divine. It is a blindness to the complexities and wonders of an infinite existence.

 It is a blindness that causes us to be herded and maneuvered by powerful people and governments into positions that compromise our liberties and sabatoges our children's future. We often become unwitting and even seemingly willing agents of evil. This blindness, from my perspective, is far more dangerous than Covid-19. This blindness of the mind hinders the future of humanity. 

     It causes us to be complicit in our own destruction, both on macro-stage and in our individual lives. We become like sheep to the slaughter, and even find ourselves enjoying partaking in the very things that will kill us. In our blindness we subscribe to ideologies and worldviews that foster and amplify hatred of our neighbors and we succumb to the agents of division and fear who use our blindness of the mind to further their objectives and agendas

      Human mental blindness is nothing new, but it has been disastrous in the past. In our blindness and reckless hate we have persecuted and killed many people who have come to help us. Just look at Jesus or some of the notable figures of history who told the truth and knew the truth, and died because of it. 

      We are the same species. Even if we are more technologically and socially advanced, we still have hate. We still have stupidity. We still have fear. We still have a blindness of the mind.


     Unfortunately, we have a tragic way of treating people who see through the veil to an extent. Many of these very bright and knowledgeable people are labeled as insane or crazy and stigmatized. Of course, to someone who is blind in the mind, truth and light terrifies them, and it is easy to label someone different as insane to take away the person's fear of the unknown and what they do not understand.

          The blind of the mind don't know they are going down the road in their lives that leads to death. Blindness of the mind can be, and often is, exploited for evil purposes and by evil people and forces. It enables the committing of atrocities, and because of the ignorance of the participants, normal, everyday people can be partakers in atrocities and evils, and because of the deception and hate, many actually believe they are doing right and doing something noble. 

Hate is a deceptive force, so is fear. Deception is a great darkness, and a leading cause of blindness in the mind. We often don't realize we are being deceived until its too late. We often don't realize we are going down the path of spiritual (and physical) death, and the death of the mind, until we die. 

Deception also causes us to harm the innocent and persecute and violate many brave and bright people who try to help. Blindness of the mind has led to the most egregious sins and crimes in human history, ranging from the holocaust to lobotomies to the murder and crucifixion of Jesus.


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