Universe Generations/Reproduction

Applying the concept of generationalism, or genetics, to universes. Just like how an organism reproduces in a sexual manner and passes it's genes down its offspring.

I like to play around and imagine that a universe would pass it's "genes" in a sense down to new universes at the microcosm. I wrote about this concept once. I called it, "sire universe." It was applying the concept of genetics to how a universe itself would reproduce, by having every basic building block particle in that Universe be a "seed" in a sense, and when the fabric of space and time stretches into oblivion, the fields that contain those basic building block particle's energy as mass start breaking down, and the energy within those particles form a new universe at the microcosm. Scale no longer is relevant, and the system breaks down into the infinitely small forever. Absolute existential liberty.


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