The Spherical Foundation and Infinite density

When most people think of a foundation, they think of the base of a "base-to-summit" protruding vertical object, like a mountain or a skyscraper. That is a common image of a foundation. It's pretty two-dimensional. Pretty basic.

I, personally, like the idea of a spherical foundation, like the center of gravity of a massive spherical body like planet or a star. The center of those objects is the "base" of the sphere. The spherical foundation that pulls from all possible directions of 3-dimensional space because of gravity.

That's the foundation of a massive sphere. Now lets factor in the foundation of a basic building block particle. That particle is a foundation stone in its own right. Now if you think about it, a particle that can't be broken down any further would, logically speaking, be infinitely dense. Even though it has extremely low mass, it's density would be absolute since it can't be broken down anymore. The spherical foundation of a basic building block particle, in its absoluteness, would go down into the realm of the infinitely small and be solid and perfectly dense as you go down into that foundation.

Have a good night guys!🙃


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