Servant leadership In the Age of Arrogance and Conceit

 I don't want to be a leader here, at least in the sense of being in charge of other human beings. Even though I'm good at the high end stuff, I want the low. I have always wanted to be a warrior of sorts. It was never about the power and authority. I thought of a saying a little while ago. "Generals get all the power. Privates get all the fun." Kinda cheeky I know. It's the same principle as "Parents get to pay the bills, the kids get to have all the thrills." Kids get to have fun. I'd much rather be the one in the midst of all the action. I prefer the low to the high, as long as I'm not a slave treated like livestock. I don't want to be in a position of power. Powerful people abused me. I would much rather be a servant leader. One who leads by example, and forgo the temptations that come with extreme power, like grandiosity and violating the dignity and sanctity of others that powerful people do through slavery or rape. That's why military service drew me so much. I would rather be the lowest of the low in the military than the highest of the high in Washington, Hollywood, or Seattle. I'd get to see all the action. The exciting stuff. I'd get to be brave. I'd get to be a hero. I'd get the opportunity to leave this world behind. I'd rather follow than lead so I can lead while I follow.

Have a good day friends!


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