Lumping Hot Coals on the Head of Your Enemy

      Helping your enemy when he is in a state of hatred toward you has profound psychological effects on your enemy's mind. Niceties, kindness, and compassion infuriate and cause great agony to someone possessed by hate and in a state of bitterness and resentment. 

      It confuses them and puts them in that searing, burning psychological state of "why is this person that I hate being nice and compassionate to me? Why is he patching up my wounds? Why is he giving me water? Can't he tell that I hate him and want to kill him?" 

This confusion and uncertainty that compassion and kindness induces on the hateful is a major step in liberating someone from hate. Liberation from hate doesn't happen instantly. It is a process, and a necessary one at that. Unintelligent, unsophisticated, primitive people have an exceedingly difficult time letting go of hate, whether that hate be directed at Jews, homosexuals, Muslims, blacks, or other groups.   

      Overcoming hate requires education, requires new, powerful, and well-articulated ideas and explanations, but most of all overcoming hate requires kindness, compassion, and love. This is especially true when you deal with those who hate you. Showing love to those who hate cut at the hatred in their minds ever so slightly, and sometimes even massively. Love drives out hate because it weakens the mental firewall of the hater and can initiate the healing of a mind broken by fear, rage, and hate.  Pooring hot coals on someone's head may be just what is needed to purge the hate and fear from someones mind.

Kill them with kindness, as they saying goes, only kindness won't kill them. It will liberate them.

Romans 12:20

"Therefore If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.”


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