Information, the Media, and the Human Mind

Whoever controls the flow of information controls the transmission of ideas, the interpretation of reality, and heavily governs the choices, thinking, and behavior of human beings who are within reach of the information.

    Information is the key to the human mind. Whoever holds that key controls the incentives to people's choices, which essentially gives someone power over another individual's behavior. The media is the primary method by which information is transmitted to the minds of individuals and groups. It is how we learn about the external world outside of our immediate lives, and it is how we get much of our entertainment and leisure.

       The word "media" shares a common etymology with the words "medium" or "middle." This is because media is the method or platform by which information from one point in the world or existence is transmitted to an audience or receiver in another point. The "middle ground" in that transmission process is the media.

       This transmission can happen between an event or circumstance in the same community being transmitted to an audience that is a member of that same community consuming the information. It can happen between an event or circumstance from across the nation to a receiving audience elsewhere, or an event from elsewhere in the world being transmitted. In a metaphysical, hypothetical situation, it can be an event or circumstance from another realm of existence being transmitted to an audience that receives and consumes the information in this world. An example of this would be fiction or fantasy.

        Either way, media has a profound and significant effect on the human mind. As the primary vector for information transmission, media shapes and structures a person's understanding of the world. Media gives us access to a diverse array of ideas and is a primary catalyst for the formation of worldviews and ideologies within individuals and groups. 

      It is an important component of the projection of the culture of a nation or group, and the zeitgeist which governs the narrative and collective mentality of a group of people gets its power and significance through the media.

       As the primary vector for the transmission of information and ideas within a nation or culture, the media is incredibly powerful. More powerful, I must say, than what most people would like to believe it is.  The media holds so much power over the minds of people that they can get you to do exactly what they want you to do and exercise such a significant control over your behavior and actions, incite mass protests, and terrorize, and they can do this all while convincing you that you are doing these things out of your own free will. 

      If the forces controlling the media are powerful enough, whether that be the government or extremely powerful and wealthy groups and individuals, these people and institutions can use the media to turn you into a willing slave.

          If you are good enough with information and good at manipulating information and even weaponizing it, you can get people to do almost anything you want them to do, and they would be so manipulated that they wouldn't resist. In fact, you could even get them to be excited to commit actions and make choices that go against their own interests. 

      Don't kidd yourself, between hollywood, social media, and mass media, American media is very much advanced enough to do what I am talking about in this post. In fact, they are doing it as we speak. The media and the ideologies that provide their respective core agendas and foundations have been sewing the seeds of division, bitterness, and hate for years.

      They have pitted us against each other, distorting our understanding of reality to fatten their pocketbooks and the pocketbooks of people who have more than they would ever need all at the expense of the less fortunate, at the expense of our children's future, and at the expense of the security and stability of our nation. 

      If all wars start conceptually at first, as a product of the human mind, then the media is a primary contributor and initiator of conflict. The media of the United States will be a significant contributor to the next major conflict on American soil, and probably the culprit that bears the most responsibility for the destabilization and possible collapse of the American system. The media has the minds of many Americans subjugated and enslaved. Sorry, this is just my honest observation.


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