
One thing I have learned about human beings is that we often kill or cripple the very people who can make the world a better place, often over things as simple as keeping hold of power and putting a few more dollars in people's pockets.

Either by jealousy, hate, racism, or predatory mentalities, humans have historically killed countless people who could have hastened the advancement and development of our species a lot further than it is today.

       How many geniuses died in the holocaust just for being Jews? How many intelligent black people were brutalized for just being intelligent and black at the same time, whether under slavery or later acts of racism? How many brilliant homosexuals were castrated or brutally murdered just because they were gay? How many mentally ill geniuses had a needle shoved up their eye and had their brains crippled and lived like a zombie for years? 

        Humans are a vicious animal, and no matter how technologically advanced we get, we still can't get over things as petty as hate and jealousy. Unfortunately, technology amplifies hate and jealousy into emotions of mass destruction. Technological advancement is not moral advancement or ethical advancement, and if morality and ethics don't evolve at a consistent pace or maintained through the advancement of technology, this is a recipe for atrocity. 
        I'm not ashamed of being an American. America is made up of, and run by, humans with flaws and corruption. I am ashamed of my humanity and having to be a part of a species so infected with hate and corruption. I would rather be in the presence of God, light years away from this world, than be plagued with the hate and corruption of this place.


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