The Hierarchy of Information

Information, in its simplest definition, is any substance or concept that informs a conscious entity of its existence and properties. Information can be abstract and not physical, or concrete and based on a quantifiable, measurable substance. Information definitely has a hierarchy and order to its arrangement in reality. 

      To start the discussion of the hierarchy of information, lets split this hierarchy into two distinct branches: The concrete hierarchy and the abstract hierarchy.

                                               The Concrete Hierarchy

The Concrete hierarchy of information is the hierarchy of substance and the physical measurable aspects of reality.  Let's start at the bottom of the hierarchy and work our way up.

       At the bottom of the Concrete Hierarchy is the foundation of the physical universe. This is the realm of the planck length, the higgs field, quarks, neutrinos, gluons, and as we work our way up from the quantum realm we start seeing the physical forces and laws take shape. We begin to reach the levels of atoms and molecules. As we go further up in largeness, we begin to see how these fundamental physical laws of space, time, matter, and energy are ordered in a fairly harmonious hierarchy that gets more and more complex the larger you get.

      You start seeing the immense complexity the forces of nature allow to exist, but still having order because of those forces and the hierarchy of the physical is maintained without disintegrating into chaos. As you get bigger and bigger, you start seeing the effects of gravity and light on almost unfathomable samples of space and time. Dark matter and dark energy become a factor as you start getting into the distances of galaxies, galactic clusters, and galactic superclusters.

       You start getting to the point where the human mind no longer can wrap its thoughts around the vastness, and the mysteries of the deep cosmos and the broader existence maintain their aura of obscurity. We honestly don't know how high up the physical hierarchy goes. The Concrete Hierarchy is the hierarchy of what is quantifiable and measurable. It is immensely complex and wondrous indeed.

                                      The Abstract Hierarchy

 The abstract hierarchy is the hierarchy of the non-physical, conceptual realm of existence. This is the realm of reality that is hard to quantify. It is the realm of abstract concepts like love, freedom, and glory.  This is the realm of literature, myths, legends, and mystery. This is the spiritual realm. It is truly the realm of God. Let's discuss the hierarchy of abstract ideas.  In this realm, the foundation of the abstract is the concept of meaning. Meaning is the information assigned to an idea that gives the idea its conceptual weight. It's "substance" in a metaphorical sense. 

       Units of information that give ideas meaning are the fundamental units that structure and define abstract ideas. They are the "building block particles" of the abstract realm of existence. Whenever you define abstract concepts like art or love or justice, the units of information that support and provide the foundation of the concept are the foundation of the abstract hierarchy. 

      As we work up, we find ourselves able to combine different ideas together to form something akin to an "idea compound." An example of this would be something like "loving justice" or "strong compassion."  As we continue to work up the abstract hierarchy, we start seeing the formation of ideologies and philosophies. 

       Continuing up, we start seeing immensely complex worldviews form that include the formation of religion and the concept of God. The pinnacle of the abstract Hierarchy is the concept of infinity. Ironically, having the concept of infinity being the pinnacle of the abstract hierarchy implies that this hierarchy doesn't really have a pinnacle, as infinity would continue the hierarchy into an unending arrangement.

        To conclude, the reason I split the hierarchy of information into two branches is the fact that the abstract and the substantial form two distinct realms of information. Even so both are interdependent on one another in order for them to make conscious entities aware of their existence. I wouldn't say the abstract is dependent on the concrete for its complete existence, nor would I say the concrete is dependent on the abstract. I will say both need a complex relationship with each other in order to for consciousness to interact with them and be aware of their existence.


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