The Hero of Heroes

Even heroes need heroes sometimes
A saving force
A champion of mercy
The ancient heroes of antiquity
Sometimes got into trouble
Their arrogance blinded them
Their hubris birthed their nemesis
Their nemesis crippled and broke them
What are common men like us to do
When the strongest of us fall?
Who can save the champions?
Who can rescue the rescuers?
Who can pay the price of conceit
For the mightiest of men?
The hero of heroes.
The king of kings.
The champion of champions
Only He is strong enough to save the strong
Only He is brave enough to save the brave
Only He can conquer conquerors
Destroy the destroyers
Liberate the liberators
When liberators fall from grace
Only He has the sight to lead the blind
His ears hear all the whispers
Only he can heal the healers
This champion of the weak
Is also the savior of the strong
For the strong rule the weak
But righteousness lays low the strong
The strength to destroy
Cannot usurp
The strength of mercy
The strength to oppress the weak
Does not stand above
The nobility and honor of the brave
Even weak men can have courage
The strong sometimes need strengthened
Not always in their bodies
But mostly in their minds and hearts
Strength without principles
Leads to the abuse and oppression
Of the vulnerable
Without grace and mercy
Even heroes fall
The hero of heroes
Is the purger of flaws
The healer of corruption
The hero of heroes
Is also the ruler of all


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