Partitioning Intelligence/Consciousness Within a Networked System

Consciousness is a fascinating thing. It's a wondrous thing. It is one of the most mysterious and important components of reality. Humans, as far as we know, have the most advanced brains of the animal kingdom. Even so, that statement doesn't delegitimize the consciousness of other organisms.

Within individual humans, most people usually have one conscious awareness, or one personality. At least I think this is the case. I'm not sure, though. Their brain network in a sense bears host to just one consciousness. However, I believe you can partition consciousness within a single network (brain) and form two destinct consciousnesses within the framework of one human body and one human brain.

If both consciousnesses are fully functional, there could be distinct advantages in doing so. You could have a learning dialogue within the mind between the two distinct consciousnesses. This can help a person learn quicker and develop more complex thought more easily.

It's like an internal human feedback loop. Your own personal dialogue partner dwelling within your mind. It also creates companionship when other people aren't around to be your companion.

A great irony, the term schizophenia originally meant "split mind." It has other connotations now. Schizophrenia can be a debilitating disease for sure, but having two fully functional coherent consciousness dwelling within the same neural network can honestly be extremely advantageous for an individual.

It can help you learn, keep you company, and be a mutualistic guide in your thoughts and actions.

On top of a human brain, you could also probably partition multiple artificial intelligence consciousnesses within the same computer network. It gets especially complex with quantum computing!

Good evening everyone!


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