Ideas and the Mind

         Ideas are one of the definitive traits of human consciousness. Ideas range from things as simple as what you are planning for lunch or as complex as how to structure nations, societies, and governments. Humans usually compehend, label, and categorize ideas through words and syllables. 

        Syllables are the fundamental sounds of language, and even though they are the smallest sounds of a language, they form the building blocks whose meaning constructs all ideas and concepts

      The words that label ideas in any respective language can be described as a set of information in itself. This is not much different from  mathematical sets. However, mathematical sets usually deal with measurable quantity.

         The set of information that make up ideas usually deal with meaning, which is different than quantity. the information that makes up the meaning of an idea (its "set of information") is usually a lot more ambiguous, unclear, uncertain, and often difficult to quantify. 

    This means you never can be too sure how much meaning or information resides in the set of an abstract concept. It is too fluid (meaning it is very complex and can change easier than quantity) and too unclear to completely and accurately determine how much and sometimes even what kind of information is within that "set" that contains the information that forms the foundation of a particular idea.

       Our thoughts are predominantly made up of the words that describe ideas, although I am unsure if this is the case for every mind. Even so, verbal constructs are one of the core basis of thought. The language we use and the ideas that our words describe form the basis by which all of human reality is constructed and developed. It forms the basis of imagination, and imagination is the basis for technological, political, social, and cultural advancement. 

     It also forms the basis for our understanding of the abstract realm, metaphysical understandings, religion and God, scientific and philosophical theories, and creativity. If you cripple a mind or damage it, you may cripple all these processes, sabotaging humanity's ability to advance and develop. This is why you don't lobotomize people, chemical or otherwise.


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