Heaven and its Liberty

       I am not afraid of this virus. Don't get me wrong, I wash and sanitize my hands frequently and follow the social distancing rules, but I refuse to live my life as a slave to fear. I refuse to buy out the stores of their toilet paper or canned goods. I refuse to panic and make panic-driven, irrational choices. 
         I don't fear death. Death would set me free from an exceedingly disappointing and dark world and life, and I would enter into the presence of my Creator and never be in lack or loss again. 
          Things like how much money I earn(ed), how many friends I had, my attractiveness (or lack thereof), success and failure, how big my house was, how nice my car was, how well-behaved my kids are, strengths and weakness, intelligence and stupidity, health and sickness, all of these things we compete with each other and fight with each other and be jealous of each other and judge and condemn each other over become EXTREMELY irrelevant, vain, pointless, and shallow when you are dwelling in the presence of an infinite God.
          In Heaven, you are completely, utterly, and unabatedly liberated from fear. You are also liberated from the trivialities and vanities of this temporary life, which is a zero-point sample of the timeline of eternity. A "wisp of vapor" as scripture describes this life. 
            Truth be told, my heart longs for the complete, utter, and unabated liberation from this world more than I long for intimate relationships, far more than I long for wealth (material wealth is pointless compared to the glory and infiniteness of God), and far more than even my desires and dreams to be a warrior. 
          However, like a good, obedient soldier of Christ, even though I don't want to be here and I detest the darkness dwelling in this nation and world, I will continue to soldier on and do what God commands me to do, which is to love Him with all of my very being, and love my neighbor as myself. I'm still gonna gripe a little bit, and since griping goes up a hierarchy and not down it, I'm sure the LORD can handle me being a little whiney and complainy here and there. 
       I just desire the Liberty of Heaven more than I desire to breathe. I desire to be in the presence of God more than I desire to live. Like a good Christian soldier, however, since God put me here and commands me to be a hard worker, be obedient, be loving and kind, and be humble, I must obey him until He takes me home, and my homecoming is not on my terms or my time.
         This virus doesn't scare me, nor do the conflicts and oppression that might follow it. If I die, I am liberated from the lies and darkness of this place for all time.

Have a good night friends.


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