Finding Purpose in a World of Vanity

Purpose is the definitive goal of the curious and driven man. It even trumps liberty. I have seen many people surrender liberty if they thought they were gaining and achieving a purpose in doing so.

In our efforts to achieve purpose, we are willing to struggle. We are willing to fight. We are willing to suffer. Purpose gives us an incentive to persevere through trial and tribulation, and it is one of the best incentives in our lives to do so.

Purpose is among the pinnacles of the abstract concepts of conscious beings. Like many abstract concepts, there is enough uncertainty surrounding purpose that leaves room for the denial of its very existence.

Even so, purpose very much exists conceptually, and is still an extremely powerful incentive, motivator, and goal in our lives. Purpose, like love and faith, is one of those concepts that is hard to describe to a skeptic, but you know it when you have it.

I view purpose as coming in two primary forms; temporal purpose (the purposes based on the passage of time through our lives) and eternal purpose (the purpose that is not bound by time and has a foundation upon the infinite and unending aspects of existence, i.e. God and eternity)

Temporal purpose is the purpose we get from our jobs, from raising our children, and from our leisure and pleasures of our human condition. Temporal purpose is plagued and often crippled by vanity and shallowness. It only goes so deep, and it only lasts so long. Our jobs will end. We will stop raising our children. The campfires and summer nights are so quick and fleeting. Vanity is the bane of the human endeavor for purpose. It honestly cripples it.
How can purpose be maintained and sustained when time makes all human purposes vain and shallow? The answer, simply put, is it can't be. Temporal, time-based purpose always degrades and eventually dies and comes to an end. In the human realm, the physical realm, entropy breaks down and kills all things, and this includes purpose.

The second purpose I mentioned is in all honesty the only purpose that truly exists, and truly has depth and substance to it, and that is eternal purpose. Eternal purpose only comes from a relationship with God, and a solid faith and trust in His benevolence and a belief in the concept of eternity. Eternal purpose bas a foundation in a deep and solid conceptual idea and substance.
It is a timeless concept, one that by default doesn't decay, doesn't erode, never changes, and never dies. Just because something is timeless and unchanging doesn't diminish its potential complexity and depth. The dynamics of a timeless foundation of purpose can be just as multifaceted, exciting, and wondrous as the changing and evolving purposes of the physical world we are in that eventually decays and dies.
In fact, the dynamics of eternity, or the dynamics of an infinite creation, or, especially, the dynamics of an infinite God can be extremely complex and purposeful. In fact, the eternal purpose coming from an eternal timeless realm is more fulfilling, gratifying, and glorious then any purpose of the world plagued by vanity, decay and futility.

Of the two purposes mentioned, obviously the higher and more substantial one is eternal purpose. Purpose not bound by time and decay. Because of the shroud and veil uncertainty and doubt pulls over our eyes and minds, the existence of said eternal, timeless purpose can be easily questioned by the skeptic, the cynic, and the layman. Even though this is the case, I still choose out of my own volition to trust and believe a timeless, eternal, undying, and undecaying purpose very much does exist. This faith and trust has great utility for me, even in its inability to be confirmed or validated. Its truth to me adds a depth of complexity, excitement, and vibrancy to my life I otherwise would lack.

After all, being a Janitor may be noble, but it is anything but complex and exciting. I need an intellectual and cognitive banquet and a feast. The simple candies and vain treats of my work and most of my life just don't do it for me. Vanity of vanities, please go away and leave me in purpose, excitement, and wonder.

Good day friends and family,

God bless


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