The Bridging of Worlds

The human imagination is a powerful thing. With it, we can create and develop entire worlds, or sometimes entire universes, in our own minds. Our culture enjoys many artificial worlds and realities, much of which have been brought to us through media like Hollywood movies, written stories, myths, legends, and what we ourselves conjure up in our minds and fantasies.
I believe that whatever can exist does exist, just not all in one place and all in one time. This includes alternate realities and fantasy worlds. Since I place my faith in the potential of an infinite existence, I also believe humans never truly "create" anything. Instead, we construct new mental or physical structures out of already existing concepts or substances, and we "access" new worlds in our imaginations and minds, but never truly create them, as the conceptualization of these worlds had already existed. I believe the human imagination and human consciousness could be rooted in a broader existence, one of possibly limitless potential, and our imaginations act as a bridge between our world and the worlds of this broader existence.
To further this discussion, let's analyze what media is. Media in regards to news and information sharing is usually the medium by which information is transmitted from one point in the world to an audience at another point in the world. If this same definition applies to entertainment and fiction media, I hypothesize that fiction and fantasy books, art, music, and movies is the medium by which information gets transmitted from an entirely unique and separate world or realm of existence to an audience in our world.
Making the argument that fiction in fact does exist is a provocative and sometimes even socially dangerous argument to make. Trust me, I know. However, just like all matter and energy cannot exist all in one single point in space, and all events in human history cannot exist in one single point in time, arguing that there is more than one realm of reality and a more complex existence that contains these realities with many of these realities having the same themes, archetypes, dynamics, and structures of the worlds many of us enjoy to indulge in in our fiction may not be that implausible, even though it may be very difficult to prove. The fact remains, forms and ideas of these fictional places do exist and can be rendered visible to us through artistry, and forms and ideas have to come from somewhere. I honestly don't believe human beings have the ability to create truly original and never before seen or heard forms and ideas. I believe these forms and ideas have always existed, and if existence is infinite, there very well be an endless amount that are accessible over time.
Since I am arguing that our imaginations are rooted in a broader existence and we are essentially bridging worlds when create art, fiction, and fantasy, for me this adds such a profound appreciation for artistry and creativity and gives an unquantifiable value to the worlds I encounter in my stories, art, and entertainment media, as well as my own fantasies and worlds I have encountered in my own mind. For many, it may be an exciting thought to argue that the fantasies and worlds humans think they are creating actually do exist somewhere. It opens the possibilities for adventure and exploration and purpose to an almost infinite degree, especially if we are blessed enough to enter into these other realms at another stage of our existence. For many others, it can be a terrifying thought, since just as the awesome, wondrous, exciting, good things we can imagine exist, so too must the depraved, the twisted, the evil, the perverse, and the destructive things we can imagine exist as well.
Even so, the bridging of these worlds art and entertainment and the human imagination does for humanity adds such a massive depth, scope, vibrancy, and wonder to our world even if we cannot access these other worlds in a physical sense yet. Imagination and world-building shines a bright light in the dark places of existence, and imagination can cut through the snares, blackness, and blindness of the oppression, evil, hate, mentally confining simplicity, and ignorance that plagues and cripples so many nations, societies, groups, and minds in our world. Imagination gives us our hopes and dreams. It also adds a beauty and complexity to our lives that allow us to cope with the elements of this world that often crush our dreams and aspirations, and it gives us an escape from the mundane and a meaning to our leisure. Imagination is God's greatest gift to humanity, and it is in imagination that the image of God is shown through us the most. Imagination is the primary weapon and tool in the liberation of the minds of the human race.
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