The Web of Questions and Answers

The Web of Questions and Answers:

      When I was in the hospital close to a decade ago now, I had a very interesting mental conception in the midst of all the chaos and hell I was going through at the time.

      It's hard to explain, but I had this image in my head of a being, like God in a way, at the start of the creation of an existence. He was by himself, but in order to create a more complex reality, he created a challenger to be present alongside him.

        This challenger's sole purpose was to ask this being questions, and the being to give him answers, and I started seeing this cosmic web of creation being constructed solely based on the dialogue between the creator and the challenger of questions and answers, which then led to more questions and more answers and so on and so on.

          This dialogue soon became immensely complex, as each question often led to a plethora of answers, and each answer often led to a plethora of questions. Over time, an entire existence of immense and extreme complexity emerged, and it all started with a dialogue between a creator and a created challenger.

         The only thing I don't remember is what the first question was, but I think the challenger asked something along the lines of, "why am I here?" The first, and most important question of any created being, I must say.


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