The Higher Authority

The Higher Authority:

        I am a firm believer in the existence of God. I kind of have to be. I have seen way too much, felt way too much, and been through way to much to deny the legitimacy and presence of higher consciousness and higher authority.

       What I don't know is how this higher authority and other spiritual or transcendental beings interact with humanity and the world. I feel that God interacts with the world much differently than he did thousands of years ago.

        What I do know is we are the creation, and as creations we are naturally on a lower echelon than the creator, and are often given a choice to either submit and cooperate with the higher authority that governs reality, or we can stand against it in rebellion.

        Unfortunately, like any choice, there are consequences, and being in open rebellion against the sovereignty of the creator will inevitably lead to our destruction, no matter how much we want to break free of "the system."

         We, as creations, cannot compete with, or usurp, the power and supremacy of the Creator, no matter how hard we try. In a sense, we cannot escape natural law and we are always under the jurisdiction of the rules and laws that govern this existence.

       The beauty of working with the higher authority instead of open antagonism toward it is the fact that God created all concepts, ideas, substance, and principles, and this naturally includes concepts like Liberty, love, and goodness. God is a god of liberty, and as a result, working with him will gain you a much more beneficial and rewarding liberty than standing against him.

           It is NOT the liberty to do whatever you please. That kind of liberty is chaos, and chaotic liberty always leads to discord, death, and destruction. No, friends, the liberty God gives you is a liberty from fear and from destruction.

      Placing your faith in, and dwelling in the presence of, a righteous, morally and conceptually perfect, insurmountable, loving, and unusurpable higher authority always leads to a security and a positive and fulfilling relationship, as well as a liberty from death, sin, corruption, evil, and destruction for all time.

       As a created creature, we have very little jurisdiction over our own lives and are always at the mercy of higher forces, whether it be natural laws, higher consciousnesses, death, or transcendental authorities. The beauty of it is God always gives us a choice. He, as a God of Liberty, always wants us to choose goodness and rightness from our own volition.

     Unfortunately and inevitably, there is always consequences to every choice we make, and their are always right choices and wrong choices.

Have a good weekend, friends


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