The Absolute Code

The Absolute Code:

Concepts are the code that programs and lays the foundation for reality. Concepts, ideas, and the labels that identify all the facets and components of reality can be analogous to a movie many of you are familiar with.

          The green fancy symbols that make up the code that forms the matrix in the movie "The Matrix"  are a good baseboard to explain how I view our reality has a similar code that lays reality's physical and conceptual foundation. Human language, like english or the hundreds of other languages on earth, allow us to label and identify the components and parts of reality. 

          Mathematics and numerical concepts are a language in their own right, and are not based on the culture or history of a particular group of people with a shared verbal language, making math and number codes a much more universal and international language. 

         Even so, I would argue that concepts are the code or foundation of reality, and they maintain their identities and purpose no matter what word in any human language identifies them. Humans think that they have the power to create concepts and label them. I believe these concepts that program reality have always existed and maintain an absolute identity and purpose that exists no matter what word or label a human attaches to them in any human language. 

          In short, their is a higher code, or language (language by default is a form of code) that programs reality, and it is absolute. It is THE language. Since humans are an internal subject and member of reality, naturally we don't have comprehension or access to this absolute code, being inside of this matrix already.

       I don't believe it is a simulation in the sense of we are all plugged into a giant computer and turned into slaves, crops, and commodities to be harvested for energy. I believe it is very much real, just far more complex than humans can understand, and concepts form the code that lays its foundation, both abstract, non-physical concepts, and concrete, measurable, physical concepts. If you want to reduce concepts to their fundamental substance, they are made up of units of information.


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