Living Information

Living Information:

     When we ingest information, whether it be a picture, written words, numbers, concepts, or ideas, this information changes and molds our minds and our comprehension. This is kind of an obvious statement, one that we can easily verify as we go through stages of education and human experience.

      Even so, I would like to present a hypothesis on information, one that I've dabbled in and pondered in relative depth and scope in previous posts and conversations. I would like to present this hypothesis: What if complex information, especially abstract conceptualizations and complex ideas, like ideologies and belief systems, have a significant level of agency or possibly even will and awareness?

       Arguing that information is "living" in the sense that it has self-awareness or agency without being a biological organism can get you in trouble within certain fields of the sciences or academia, especially in fields like biology and psychology, but let's evaluate this hypothesis for a minute.

           For starters, we have to set the parameters of this hypothesis. One thing is clear, not all forms of information fall into the category of information with possible agency or awareness. Things like shapes and colors most likely don't fit the criteria for information that has will. In order to fit the criteria for the concept of "living" information that I am presenting, the information in question must fit the following criteria and parameters:

         1: It must be complex: Complexity of information is key in order for the information to have the capability of having agency or awareness.
           2: It must be abstract: Abstract information has the highest probability of having awareness or agency because of the inability for it to exist outright without a mind like that of a human being being a host to it. Concrete information is not a likely candidate for living information (aside from biological or technological physical systems) because most concrete information is relatively static, unconscious, and inanimate.

          3: It must have a symbiotic relationship with the minds of biological conscious beings like humans or other possible signficantly sophisticated and advanced organisms:  The abstract, complex information can only exist within the minds of an organism like humans, but like a symbiote, the information takes the individuals as a host, and its will or agency becomes apparent through the actions and behaviors of the hosts

          4: The information must have a profound and significant effect on someone's behavior and cognition: Someone hosting complex information will have their actions, behavior, and thinking/cognition radically altered and driven by the complex information they have ingested. This information includes ideologies and belief systems, political, apolitical, religious, philosophical, or otherwise.

        Those are some of the parameters I am attempting to set with this theory. Here is why I argue that complex, abstract information has agency and self-awareness. It is because of how people who believe in these forms of information act, and how these ideologies and belief systems centralize and systemize their believers and followers into hierarchies and groups.

        If the information is "living" and calculating, then it knows that the only way it can achieve its goals and objectives and do "work" in the physical world is through the systemization and organization of organisms like human beings into more efficient and more effective systems that can do more work and achieve the objectives and goals of the ideology or belief system (the complex, abstract information).

       The symbiotic, complex, abstract, "living" information, which is kind of an organism in its own right (just not biological or technological like a human or computer) can only survive if it has hosts, and naturally it knows it is stronger and more powerful the more hosts it obtains and systemizes. So naturally, you see the agents of ideologies, religions, and belief systems actively proselytizing and spreading their ideas and information. The agents of these ideologies and belief systems are under the illusion that they are spreading the ideas out of their own free will, but are more acting agents of their beliefs, and as such are more under the control of the beliefs than them controlling the beliefs themselves.

            Naturally, "living" information would cause you to do this and spread the information so the information organism can consolidate more hosts into the system and hierarchy it is creating. If you look at it from a certain perspective, it very much looks like the information itself is driving the actions and organization of the ideological hierarchy in a willful, intentional act aside from the humans involved. It is an alternative perspective for sure.

        On top of the systemization and consolidation of hosts, the "living" information competes with and sometimes attempts to neutralize or eliminate outright, challenging or incompatible ideologies or belief systems. This is very much one of the main causes of human conflict and war.

                 Since i believe information vectors, like books and media/entertainment also transmits information from other realms of reality that very possibly do exist just like news media transmits information from other parts of the world, and since I believe existence is infinite, I believe we access the broader existence that is distinct from the reality that we are in through these vectors, and as a result these abstract ideas and constructs are often just broadcasted from other realms and parts of the infinite existence through the medium of entertainment, art, culture, and mythology.

            I am the opposite of a nihilist. I believe everything exists, just not all at once, not all in one place, and not all in one point in time. Abstract, complex information can often come from these other realities and other points in time. They are implanted in and exposed to the human mind through media and the sensory vectors of information that give the external world access to our minds, and our minds access to the external world.

Thanks and God bless, friends


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