Complex Unpredictability

The most successful strategy you can have in any game or game scenario is what I like to call complex unpredictability. Complex unpredictability, in its simplest definition, is any strategy that is the most difficult to anticipate, adapt to, and predict by an opponent or adversary, primarily because of its complexity.

The more complex and seemingly random your strategy is, often times the more successful it will be, as an opponent who can't predict you naturally can't stop you.

This is true in any game, whether it be football or war. In football, the most successful teams have often the most unpredictable and unanticipatable strategies.  During the Second World War, our adversaries attributed the success of the American Military partially because of our apparent "Chaotic" approach to war and combat.

I must be clear, there is a difference between chaos and complexity. You can have something extremely complex and still have order to it. In chaos, their is no order, and it almost always leads to destruction. As a result, you can still have extremely complex strategies in games and war and still have a level of order to them. These strategies are almost always more successful then a simplistic, rigid adversary, because of the fluidity and complexity of the strategy.

Fun fact, complexity is a natural and essential byproduct of liberty, including technological and social innovation and advancement.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday, and its highly likely the team with the most unpredictable and complex strategy, on top of the sheer athleticism of the players, will probably win.


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