Bounded Infinities/Eternities and Other Hypothetical Realms Outside the Spacetime Matrix of Our Universe

Four years ago or so, I was talking to the professor who taught my Origins of Life philosophy course here at MSU. In terms of my philosophical interests, not too much has changed with the exception of the depth and diversity of thought I am now interested in. Back then, I was still very much fascinated by infinity and eternity.

This professor and I had a conversation on the topic, and she introduced me to the concept of bounded infinities. To demonstrate this concept, she taped two pieces of paper in a funky way where the papers were wrapped and twisted to where you could rotate the paper and spin it to where if you were to walk on that object, you could walk forever in a bounded spatial plane. 

This professor had no idea the wonders and possibilities she just opened up for me. I became aware of some hypotheses about the broader existence. Imagine our universe not being unique, nor is it the only one of its kind. Imagine the spacetime matrix of our universe being an isolated and bounded matrix that we humans are confined in and governed by its laws and rules.

 Outside of our Universe's spacetime fabric is possibly a broader infinity, instead of the common presumption of it being absence or void. Within this hypothetical broader infinity, imagine this exterior realm having higher, more multidimensional construct that functions as kind of a more advanced "higher" time. A "time that governs time" so to speak, that is far more complex and dynamic than the time that governs this universe.

Within this broader infinity, this "time of times" or even the concept "higher space" is so complex and dynamic that you can have realms of true bounded eternities exist within this broader infinity. In these bounded realms, you can have a simple, linear eternity that had no beginning and no end already bound and structured in its respective temporal/spatial matrix. These realms could have the same kind of physical laws and dynamics as our universe, or different laws entirely.

In this broader infinity, you can also have Universes like our own. Temporary, finite realms with a clear beginning and (most likely) an end. Even so, to conclude this post I would like to say that if there is indeed a broader infinity of a level of spatial/temporal/substance complexity and sophistication beyond the tiny minds of mankind's ability to imagine or comprehend, than anything and everything is not only possible, it is outright probable and has a high likelihood of existing, occuring, or being experienced in this truly infinite existence.


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