The Correction of a Dying System

The Correction of a Dying System:

Let's face it, America's system is aging and dying. It is being broken down and sabotaged mainly from within, but also with the help of outside nations. There are many factors leading to the degradation and breakdown. Probably more than I can list in this single post. For starters, let's just focus on three main ones: health, education, and deception.

          Let's start with health. Americans eat and drink like shit. So many of us are overweight, some even morbidly obese, and when you call someone out on their poor diet and hygiene habits, they get defensive and play the "fat-shaming" or "Safe-spaces/my feelings are hurt" card. On top of that, many people don't want to take the time to build up physical strength and resilience to help them lead better, more fulfilling, more productive lives.
           On top of the physical health problems, the United States is suffering from a pandemic of mental health issues, ranging from depression to anxiety to severe crises like psychosis and rage. Add the drug pandemic on top of it, and you have a recipe for disaster. A population in poor physical and mental health is not just a health problem, it is a matter of national security, especially when another nation state threatens our borders and a significant amount of people don't know how to fight, nor have the ability to defend themselves.

          Now, let's focus on education. For starters, nobody's stupid. Let's get that out of the way right off the bat. If someone isn't learning how to think and understand the world and how to learn new skills, especially when they are children, that is not the fault of the person/child, that is honestly the fault of the parents and the education system. Children can only learn if the system designed to teach them, whether that is their household or parents, or schools in general, are effective, efficient, and based on natural, empirically and critically designed methods.
            If your population is not being educated appropriately, it leaves your population at the mercy of those who are, thus depriving them of liberty and turning them into not much more than a herd animal. This, also, is a national security issue because it leaves a significant number of the population mentally and psychologically dulled and compromised. Morality and ethics also need to be instilled in a population, because if your population doesn't see human life as intrinsically valuable and worth protecting, than you will continue to see things like gang violence and mass shootings get worse and worse.

And finally, let's talk about deception. Deception often undercuts an understanding of natural law and the order of existence. As a result, when certain ideas and belief systems continue to distort, confuse, and deceive the population of the United States, then the American system will be blinded to it's own inevitable destruction. This is not just a biblical consequence. This is also simply the natural course of distorting and denying natural law. In particular, ideologies which reinforce understandings about gender or hierarchies that cripple the individuals within the nation's ability to produce offspring are extremely dangerous, in more ways than most people realize. Distortions and deceptions like this lead to the failure to propagate the nation's population in a sustainable fashion, which will inevitably lead to the collapse of the American system.

       To conclude. There are other factors also killing the American system. Some more potent than others, and if we don't correct the degradation, distortion, deception, dumbing down, fattening up, health, and other problems we face, then this system will fall.

Have a good afternoon friends


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