Different, Diverse, Methods of Thought

Different, Diverse, Methods of Thought:

I think humanity limits itself significantly when it comes to methods of thought. For starters, lets define what a method of thought is. A method of thought, simply put, is the way a person thinks about existence or reality and comes to conclusions that further advance the understanding, technology, and other forms of advancement of humanity or the world in general. The scientific method is a method of thought. Empiricism is a method of thought. Reasoning is a method of thought. Rationality is a method of thought. Political ideation, like liberalism or conservatism is a method of thought. Spirituality and Religious ideation is a method of thought, etc.

I think we often shorthand the diversity and complexity of the many possible methods about thinking about existence. When we engage in one method of thought, we often dismiss others as illegitimate or false, and even some we consider to be a sign of insanity. We definitely consider deviant methods of thought to be a sign of insanity in a lot of ways, but that is not always the case.

In fact, if existence is infinite, their are potentially an infinite amount of possibilities, which include a possibly endless array of methods of thinking about existence. Some antithetical to others, but all having a level of truth to them, even if the point in time and the place in existence they are applied in may not be compatable with the method of thought or ideation that the thinking paradigm of that time or place dictates. Just because a method of thought may not be applicable in a certain way, time, or place doesn't mean the foundation of that method doesn't exist somewhere.

 Things like the scientific method will always be legitimate, as well as reason and rationality, but I believe existence is too complex for only a limited amount of methods of thought to exist. If existence is infinite, than everything you can conceive of exists in some way, some point in time, some point in space, and even some points outside of time, and some points outside of space.


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