Combinations of concepts

How many possible combinations of concepts and ideas exist? This is a question I have pondered for a long time. If you would like, let's engage in a thinking game. For starters, lets base this game's foundation on the assumption that existence is infinite. If so, there is an unlimited amount of unique concepts in existence, each one original and different from the next. Now, that is a very complex and deep assumption, and it is one that goes way over the heads of most people.
However, let's address the foundational dichotomy of all of existence to continue this discussion. That foundational dichotomy is the dichotomy of simply what exists and what doesn't. This dichotomy is very analogous to the dichotomy of good and evil, even though there are some differences, primarily in that evil isn't always simply a nothingness. Evil does, though, usually cause destruction and death, which are forms of lack and absence in themselves.
In regards to existing concepts and ideas, because of the dichotomy of presence and absence, and good and evil, there are positive concepts and ideas, and negative concepts and ideas. Positive concepts are fulfilling, creative, and useful. Things like love, joy, peace, and victory are positive in that they cause fulfillment and fullness in people's lives. Negative concepts and ideas cause death, loss, and destruction. On each side of the dichotomy, you have endless arrays of concepts. Endless good ones, and endless evil ones.
Every single concept can be combined in some form or fashion with each other in extremely creative ways, like loving, compassionate justice, or peaceful mercy as an example of good concept combinations. Bad concept combinations work the same way. However, you can never combine a good concept with a bad one and have a legitimately new idea, as this creates an impossible paradox. An example of this impossible paradox would be something like "free slave" or "a good evil person" or a "merciful murderer" or a "righteous sinner."
Good concepts and evil concepts stay in their respective ballparks. They don't combine with each other. Something can't be both good and evil at the same point in time and the same point in space, because they are inherently antithetical to each other. Even so, the possibilities of the combinations of good, "positive" concepts are boundless, and the same is true with the "negative" evil concepts. This is true of course, if the assumption that existence is infinite and eternal is correct.


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