The Projection and the Mold

              In reality, we have two primary foundations: Energy and the fabric of Spacetime. Energy is the method by which all things are formed through. Matter is energy, just contained, structured, and given mass by the fields that contain energy as matter. If those fields are rendered ineffective, matter would simply return to a free energy state. Space is the matrix or arena by which matter and energy takes forms and moves through points in space and points in time. They are interdependent. You can't have energy without space, and you can't have space without energy. Some philosophers, such as the Greek thinker Plato, have argued that there may be another reality which profoundly influences and "forms" the constructs and arrangements of matter and energy. This reality, though hypothetical, is the reality of Forms and Ideas. Forms are static and unchanging and most likely have existed forever and will continue to do so. Matter, on the other hand, decays and degrades into free energy over long periods of time. However, energy, like Forms, is eternal. You can't create it, and you can't destroy it.
           Matter is like a mold or cast that takes on the role of being the primary method by which forms are projected into this reality. Forms themselves cannot exist physically in this reality without a substance to be molded into them. I Believe Forms and Ideas exist distinct from matter and energy. For example, the form of a triangle with specified dimensions exists whether matter represents it or not, and it will continue to exist forever. However, in order to be presented into the minds of conscious beings,  the triangle must have a physical mold to represent it in our reality. All forms, whether they be as simple as the common shapes we know, or as complex as a Kaleidoscope of shapes and colors, or the odd inconsistencies of the layout of a city or mountain range, exist independently of the physical substance that represents them, only most likely in a distinct realm of existence with a distinct paradigm governing that realm.

           This is hard to understand for a lot of people. An allegory that may help clarify this is acting. The actors themselves project their characters into our reality from a fictional or metaphorical reality that is not completely real, at least in respect to the reality shared by human consciousness. Their bodies and their words are used to represent a fictional illusional situation or circumstance. The actors are real, but the situations, characters, or circumstances they are apart of and portray are mostly illusion or fiction.

            To complete the comparison, the Actors represent the mold, while the characters they play are the Forms from a separate reality. These Forms cannot exist in the physical without a representative, but they still existed somewhere before they were projected into a new reality. Without such a projection and a mold to project through, consciousness cannot be made aware of the presence of said forms and ideas. Without this awareness, the forms and ideas have no purpose and no comprehension in our physical reality. Forms, along with energy/matter and space/time, are the cornerstones to existence, and they are interrelated and interdependent of one another.


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