God has a plan

Everyone always tells me God has a plan.
I had plans as well.
I'm sure His are better,
I'm sure a much better sell.
I'm sure I shouldn't question,
God's purposes and plans,
I'm sure if I knew what He knows,
I wouldn't stand a chance.
I'm sure my heart would break,
At the sorrow He must bear
At all the hopes and dreams destroyed
A burden He and I don't share
Who am I to question?
Who am I to doubt?
Who am I to test Him?
And the plans I know nothing about.
God must bear a weight
That is beyond my comprehension
And only He can bear it.
Only He can stand the tension.
His eyes see all there is to see
His ears hear every word
I do not share His vantage point.
I cannot be the Lord.
Because He sees all,
Hears all,
Knows all,
His judgement is perfect
And since I cannot see or know all
My judgement has defects
I am but a droplet,
Trying to see the ocean.
With this limited perspective,
Much wisdom is not open.
So in the Lord of Hosts I trust
Until my time has come
I'll see my plans and dreams adjust
When I see what God has done.


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