The Primary Relationship of Information

In all of Reality and its vastness and complexity, there is one primary relationship that is quite simple, yet forms one of the core paradigms within reality. It is the relationship between the projection of information and the reception of information. The relationship between consciousness and the unconscious information that it intakes, processes, analyzes, utilizes, and alters. The existence of both parties is interdependent on the other's existence. If one does not exist, then for all intents and purposes neither does the other. If the receiver of information is not present, then nothing would be aware of what is projected from the physical reality that exists separately from it, and since nothing is aware of it, it doesn't exist de facto, i.e. it doesn't exist to any consciousness involved. If the receiver exists but the projector doesn't, then the consciousness that was supposed to be receiving information would have no information to receive, and as a result would be aware of only an absence of existence, with no purpose, no matter, no energy, no experiences, no memories, no time, and no space. A receiver could not exist like this, since the fact that it is aware of nothing means it has no basis for its own reality and therefore would also not exist de facto. Now this is an important thought for philosophy or conscious thought, as it pertains to every single person that exists. If you are not aware of your own reality and you are not receiving information, then, subjectively speaking, reality does not exist in that point in time for you. If you are dead, and the nihilistic absolutist view is correct and you cease to exist, then to your subjective self, so does the rest of existence. In this reality, existence in the external is not dependent on your awareness of it to exist, but with respect to yourself, to you, it does. If you lose sensory awareness of reality to the entirety, reality ceases to exist to you, but not to any other form of consciousness that is still alive. Now imagine if you eliminated all consciousness from reality. How could reality even exist? Without the primary relationship of existence between the projector and the receiver of information, how could the physical exist if there is absolutely nothing to be aware of it. Now there is an old thought experiment that states: "if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it still make a sound?" My answer is yes it does, but no one was around to receive the information. Taking this to the extreme, if a tree falls in the forest and nothing conscious exists in reality then does it still make a sound? No, primarily because there would be nothing aware of anything in existence, so there would be no information relationship, therefore no sound was made because there is no receiver of information in all of existence, which means it technically doesn't exist. Now ceasing to exist is a paralyzing fear in human beings and other creatures. The fear of death and the fear of annihilation are intrinsic in lifeforms everywhere. However, I would argue that in order for the primary relationship of information to continue on through existence is that something will always be aware of existence, and something will always be projecting that awareness. I don't believe we cease to exist when we die, because in doing so the primary relationship of information will be destroyed with respect to us individually, which from my perspective cannot be allowed because of the law of information, there has to be a receiver in order for there to be a projector, and there has to be a projector in order for there to be a receiver. Breaking this primary relationship negates all of existence, and if existence is infinite and eternal, then this is impossible to do.


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