The Eternal Children

The Eternal Children

In a realm separate and distant from ours, there lived a group of beings who were everlasting. They had always existed from the beginningless to the endless. They were wise beyond the minds of men, with gifts of creativity and powers that stretched the limits of their realm. There were two kinds of these beings, the eternal elders, and the eternal children. The elders were always blessed with the joy of their children, whom they have instructed and nurtured for all time. The children learned and played and laughed and had adventures, and in this realm, they did grow, but they never grew up. The parents, in their infinite and endless wisdom had the ability to continuously instruct and guide them forever. 

          The joy the children brought to their parents was so beautiful and powerful that the parents were never in lack. It was an overwhelming joy, knowing that they would be blessed with their presence forever. The joy was not static, it was exponential in its growth. It had always been there, but it just keeps compounding with the adventure, curiosity, laughter, kindness, and faithfulness the children had throughout the eons. In the worlds these children created, they could be and do whatever they wanted.They could soar across mountains of majesty unparalleled, or swim in oceans teaming with magic and life, or visit cities with buildings that stretched into the heavens, or explore fertile forests with trees and shrubs that could hide an army.

        With their parents’ instruction, they learned about all of the facets of creation, so their fantasies became vibrant and complex, with that complexity and wonder and allure compounding with each eon that passed. The elders delighted in the stories their children told them from the worlds they explored. The joy of knowing you would experience this joy and love forever, if felt by a man, would shake you to your core and bring you to your knees in a euphoric happiness that your mind could not handle as flesh. A joy that no lower being could comprehend or withstand.

         One day, a stranger opened a portal to their realm and entered the dwellings. The entity was as a shroud of darkness, swirling and swaying in space, and the light of the realm was absorbed and warped when it approached the entity. The King of the elders approached it. “What brings you to this place, traveler? What business do you have here?” “My business is none of yours. I am here to claim what is mine,” the traveler exclaimed darkly. The King became agitated with the stranger, and more heatedly asked him, “What is it that you want? Who are you?” The stranger replied, “ I am Oblivion, Lord of lack and void.

       I am here to cause my namesake. I am here to strike at what you value most in this realm. I am here to claim what is mine.” In an instant, Oblivion shot out warped space and energy towards the children of the realm, and they disappeared into a swirl of darkness, and Oblivion left the realm and its occupants with the most precious thing that they had known for eternity before that moment. 

        The pain the elders felt at this theft was beyond the realms of our imagination. The light that they had known, the music they loved, the adventures their children brought them and told them about, all turned on their heads and shattered to pieces. It was as if all the joy and love that they had known forever had forsaken their minds and hearts, and they were left with a void in their hearts, and a lack in their minds. 

           The King recalled what the stranger had said, that he was lord of lack and void, and he came to cause his namesake. The King rounded up the rest of the elders. His heart was heavy when he said, “I must leave this realm, my heart cannot bear the loss of my son any longer. I MUST find him in the realm of darkness, and I must return all the children back home to us. I must do this at great risk to my existence. I will either find them and return them, or be destroyed myself.” The King did what to the Elders was inconceivable up to that point; he left the Realm. Outside of the realm, the laws that governed reality were varied, depending on where you went. 

         Some realms had substance other than matter and energy, some realms were so bizarre in their composition that they cannot be described to the likes of mankind. In boundaries between the realms, space and time did not exist, only a state that can only be described as a static “foam” where what we call physics held no relevance or any real power. The realms that were before him were beyond countless. For every foundational rules that can govern a realm, there were countless realms with that foundational structure and law. 

        To explain further, our realm is governed by the principles of what we call physics, and the foundational structure we have is based on the substance of matter and energy that occupy a fabric that allows for matter and energy to operate and interact, with the ability for consciousness to arise in the form of life or other forms. 

       We are just one realm amongst countless with the foundational structure and law of our realm. There are countless different foundational structures and laws that can govern a realm, and with each one there are countless realms that have that foundational structure and law. The King started entering into different realms, one by one, looking for conscious beings to interact with, knowing full well it could be eons before he found any hint or clue of the children’s whereabouts.

          This is precisely what happened. For ages, the king would go into different realms, and many of those realms were void of consciousness, and many realms that at one point did have consciousness looked like they had been desecrated, ransacked, and left in ruins, with no trace of the entities that occupied them. When he encountered consciousness, many times communication was difficult, as different forms of consciousness communicated in different ways, and some barriers in communication were too difficult to overcome. 

         The type of entities the King belonged to were exceptionally powerful, but their powers were often limited based on the type of realm they entered into. If the dynamics of a realm did not allow for the King exercise his power, he could not do so. The King did not give up. When he broke the communications barrier, the King was often disappointed that many beings did not know what or where Oblivion was. 

        The fact that there was often another barrier; the barrier of sophistication and advancement. Many forms of consciousness were far less advanced in terms of their state of being than the King was, and could not comprehend the reality that existence was infinite. Often times the King was rejected in the realms he went into as something evil because of his different nature. Many forms of consciousness could not understand the nature of the king, and were often bound by their own ignorance to be hostile to anything that deviated from their normality. 

        The king would sometimes have to fight to escape the realms he went into. It was in this situation that the King was forced to terminate the existence of consciousness for the first time in his entire existence. This troubled the King immensely, and he grieved for a substantial amount of time at the act that he committed. As the ages continued to pass and stretch on into eons, the King began to sink into despair.

       He grieved the loss of the children ever more intensely. At one point, he was about to give up and return to his realm, when he encountered an entity in a far realm. The entity, known as Love, knew of Oblivion. He described Oblivion as a thief, a liar, and a destroyer that has a deep seeded hatred for all things, living and inanimate. Love informed the King of the whereabouts of Oblivion’s fortress. It was situated on the edge of the abyss of nonexistence; an abyss Oblivion worshiped with fervor. He goes throughout Creation, stealing and destroying. He brings sacrifices to the void in the forms of the things he steals from other realms, whether they be conscious or not. 

     Love informed him that Oblivion did not cast the children into nonexistence, but they have been his prisoners for nearly an eternity, they are his prize possession, and he thoroughly enjoys tormenting them continuously. Love told the King that Oblivion was once a being of the purest light. He was sacred throughout existence. However, Oblivion wanted to see the edge of existence. He went looking for it and found what he looked for.

        If existence is infinite, and everything you can conceive of exists in some form, then nonexistence in a bizarre paradox also exists. Oblivion peered into the void, and lost his light, and went completely insane. He began worshiping the void, and became its acting agent. He now calls himself Lord of Lack and Void now. The King was both overjoyed and disheartened at the same time. 

      He was overjoyed that the children were still alive, but heartbroken at what they had to endure. Love pointed him in the right direction, but gave him a warning, “do not peer into the void, for its dark mysteries and depths would consume your light.” The King listened, and heeded the warning, and ventured into Oblivion’s fortress. He went through a maze and ruin of things that once were full of life and beauty, relics that Oblivion stole and corrupted or destroyed.

        In the Fortress on the edge of existence, The King finally came to the place where the children were kept prisoner. When he saw the children in chains, with little hope and their light dimmed and shrouded in what had been almost an eternity of despair, the King wept, and wept with profound and incredibly intense sorrow.

       Oblivion was there, standing on the edge of the of the void, looking into its depths of nothingness, and feeding of of the light of the children, relishing every ounce of the destruction of their joy and happiness. The King confronted Oblivion, and armed himself with the most stunning and brightest of light; light that hasn’t been seen since before Oblivion became the agent of the void.

      Oblivion stepped away from the void and marveled at what he saw! “You came all this way, all this time, to recover your children! You are a fool, for you will join them in their servitude!” The King replied, “THIEF!! MURDERER! You perverse monster of a being. I have traveled across creation, through space, through time, through forms and states and substances beyond imagination. I have not come here to be a slave to your darkness! I have come to RECLAIM what you stole from me and my kind!” Oblivion struck at the King, but his light withstood the vacuous darkness that Oblivion launched at him. The King responded, and shot a light so powerful into Oblivion that it forced him on the defensive, and he was disoriented for a moment. Oblivion lunged himself at the King. They exchanged energy and blows with each other in their ethereal forms that no being of matter could comprehend or withstand. 
     Oblivion achieved the upper hand and began to drag the King to the edge of existence. He laughed and said, “look into it! Fool! Look! All the mysteries of reality are there, in the Eternal void. If you only welcomed it into your heart. Behold! The wonder of truth! The truth of the void!” The King forced his eyes closed so tight that the force of a thousand black holes could not pull them open. Oblivion continued his maniacal laughter. “If you will not look into it, than I will cast you into it, you fool!” Before Oblivion could finish the final act, Love appeared on the edge in a blinding light that pierced all the darkness, corruption, and death in that place.
        He began to speak to Oblivion, “Lux, my dear, dear child! I had warned you of this an eternity ago. I forbade entry in this place for this very reason, and you disobeyed me! My heart is broken! I cannot allow this to go on any longer. You are banished forthwith into the very void you worship, cast out and never to return, fully consumed by the darkness you love so dearly, and destroyed forever!” In that moment, Oblivion regained his sanity and memory, and but for an instant he felt the guilt of what he had done, recalling his true self as Lux, bringer of light. All the realms he raped of happiness, all the worlds he burned and destroyed in his rage, and all of the pain he caused became very real to him. This instant faded, and he slipped forever into darkness and nothingness, the final extinguishing of Lux, bringer of light. He thought he could bring light to the infinite darkness, and his arrogance was the downfall of many in creation. Love cast him into the abyss, never to be seen or heard again. 

      Love turned to the King, and said to him, “My dear child! The love you have shown in your quest to recover your children was unmatched by any of Oblivion’s victims! You spent eons of True Time, the time that governs time, looking everywhere in creation you could to find your children. Your courage, dedication, and hope would make existence fall to its knees in humility. By your steadfastness and resilience, you opened the pathway for the final defeat of the enemy of all things, and its agent, Oblivion. 

      I have foreseen this, and to see its fruition makes my heart leap so high that the highest pinnacles of creation would be as a centimeter to a mile in my heart’s height. Your realm was the one I had secured so tightly, and hid away in the farthest reaches of creation, to protect it in the utmost.  I bound your realm as an eternity within eternity. A bond that was broken by Oblivion.

      Your realm was of the purest of its kind, and the last one to be struck by the hand of Oblivion. Go home, my child! Take your children, and be in love with them again. Be in JOY with them again! Be free with them again.” As the King felt the power of Love, and he realized the victory Love brought him, he bowed in Love’s awesome power and grace, forever humbled and unbelievably grateful for this grace and mercy, the King returned with his children, whose light was restored. 

      The Reunification of the elders’ realm was complete. At the Fortress, Love put an unbreakable seal upon the edge, and no consciousness could break the seal ever again. The children began to play again, and they were even more pure than before they were taken, and the eternity within eternities continued its eternity!


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