Predetermined Nature

I had a friend bring up this concept in regards to me and my interest in conflict. I don't remember the exact context of the conversation. My memory may be good but not perfect. What I do remember is I was talking about some of my ideas about warfare and games and conflict in nature, and he implied, or at least I think he did, that my interest in these things were predetermined. What I fail to understand from his implication is that if I was predetermined to have a rabid interest and fascination with everything to do with war and conflict games in general, why on earth did the force that predetermined this interest limit my ability to actually utilize the knowledge I have accrued in the respective fields of these subjects. I can't join the military. I dare not try, because I do NOT want to open up my history and health issues knowing full well the imminent rejection that would follow doing so. I have had my heart broken enough in my life and I am trying to avoid more heartache. With a mental health history like mine, diplomacy, politics, and more than likely intelligence work may be out of the question indefinitely for me, but I can't say that with certainty. Only God knows the future, and in a way only God knows the absolute truth of the past.With that being said, I want to engage in a discussion about the predetermined nature of a human being, whether it be by the hand of God, of some other force, of nature, of nurture, of genetics, or a combination of any of these. Let's start with the scientific approach first, and I will later engage in the divine possibility. The human brain has an immense determining factor for personality, behavior, thinking, emotions, and of course interest and intrigue for the individual. Scientists, such as neurologists, psychologists, and psychiatrists have a pretty solid and expanding understanding of how the state of being for a human being progresses throughout life and how cognition, behavior, personality, and emotions affect and govern our conscious experience as the creatures we are. There may be a possibility that how your neural network is wired and the parts of the brain that determine personality can be genetically predetermined within the genes of your parents, and as a result the type of interests and intrigue you were drawn to was encoded into you by certain genes that govern the formation of neural networks and personality, meaning your interests may in some way be hereditary. In a sense it is the same reason why mental illness and intelligence are hereditary as well. I do not have the scientific and research background to prove this, but this is an observation I make when I have seen families where the children often have similar personality and interests as the parent of the same sex, or in many cases a combination of both parents. Now the strictly biological reason of why you are drawn to the subjects and activities you are drawn to is quite valid and logical, but I believe there is also a spiritual component to what drives someone and what interests and intrigue they have. I believe that God may predetermine the nature and, as a result, interests of a person for a purpose that he determines that person fill. Of course, I can't prove this scientifically, but that is not the point. From my biblical understanding of the creator, he uses certain people to fulfill a purpose and role within his plan, which often is to bring glory to Himself and all who believe in him. Now there are many ways to bring glory to one's self or others. Victory in war can bring glory to someone or a group. Healing an incurable disease can bring glory to the healer as well as the healed, like when Jesus was asked if the man born blind had sinned or if his parents had sinned and which one was true. Jesus answered,"Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened that the works of God be displayed in him." John 9:3. 
He then proceeded to give this man sight for the first time in his life. This act glorified Jesus, and it is one of many. God determines our nature by assigning traits and interests to us to fulfill a role in his plan for the world and the completion of his objectives both for us and the path our world is meant to go down, which in this battle between good and evil, between the creator and the rebel, every person who makes the choice to follow God will use their determined nature to fill a niche within the Kingdom of God and their earthly communities, societies, nations, and organizations. Now my question is that my nature and interests are predetermined by a higher authority, why am I interested and drawn to professions that, for the moment at least, I can't partake in. Why am I so fascinated by war, and if God determined this nature for me, to what purpose would it serve to be infatuated by a field that I am relatively restricted in being active in. I believe God did put these desires and drives in me for a purpose, and since I am only 26 years old, I have not seen the plan he has for me come to fruition yet, and I am certain my interests and desires will play a substantial part in his plans. Like everybody says to me when I gripe about my disappoints and shortcomings, "you're young Josh!" I have a lot of time left, hopefully, on earth to fill a niche within my nation or my community, and I have been telling myself recently in my life, "You don't have to be in the military to be a soldier, and you don't have to be in the military to serve your country." It is the more traditional route in doing so, but it is not the only way to partake in efforts to respond to threats to my community and country and taking the necessary steps to keep people safe. I don't know why God determined this to be apart of my nature. Who am I to question His agenda. I will admit, some of my nature was conditioned in me by forces other than God, as well as my own volition. I do believe interests and dreams and intrigue change over time for each individual, but since I believe there is a purpose for everything, everything you have been interested in has served a purpose for your life as well as God's purpose for you and for His plan. I am certain that my desires, interests, and dreams will fulfill a purpose for the Glorification of God, and as a result myself. I am also sure God is going to show his power and glory through helping me overcome my illnesses, flaws, and sin.


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