The Tempter or The Tempted, The Deceiver or the Deceived

Who is held to more accountability? If someone is tempted to do something and they do it, are they any more liable for their actions than the thing that tempted them. Just like is someone really responsible for their actions if they are under a spell of deception put upon them by an external agency. It is a moral quandary for me and my faith. I have heard that all it takes is one sin to cause you to enter into eternal damnation for all eternity. I have difficulty with this, as many people are deceived into thinking that it is ok to commit some sins and they are led astray by certain people and certain ideas. I personally think the tempter is more at fault than those who fall into temptation, as had the tempter not tempted the person, the person would never have fallen into temptation. At the same time, I think the deceiver should be held in greater accountability than the deceived, because the deceived person would not have committed the act that he did in regards to the deception had he not been deceived in the first place. My moral dilemma is this: would God cast out someone from paradise into perdition who had no idea what he was doing was sinful or believed that it wasn't sinful because they were deceived into believing this? Can a person who was led astray be held to the same account as the person who led him or her astray? Now if someone had been exposed to the truth and blatantly rejected even after being exposed to it, indeed I do believe that person is held to account for his choice, but is someone who is clearly confused and in a state of misunderstanding while wanting to know the truth and is deceived into thinking there is no God, that sin doesn't exist, and it is ok to do sinful and corrupting things, really held to equal or greater account than the force that caused the confusion and deception. No I do believe we have choices to make, but our choices are heavily influenced by forces we can't control, and the probability of falling into a trap greatly increases when we are confused, deceived, and misled and temptation is more effective if someone believes wrongly that there is no sin or crime in it. When the person falls into temptation because of this, is that person really liable for falling in to the trap. I believe that it is the Devil, who lays the traps in the first place, who is at greater sin for tempting, deceiving, and leading people astray. I do believe we are held accountable to God for our choices, but I am wondering, how much choice or opportunity to escape the bait did we really have?


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