Careers in Writing, Politics, and Plans for the near Future.

I am trying to pursue I career in writing, which should be obvious by this point!! So I am going to write about my desire to pursue a career in writing. I was thinking at some point to be an editor, although I am not 100% sure what an editor exactly does. I could go into journalism, but I don't have the academic credentials or achievements that appeal to employers in that field. I would love to write more research papers, but I need to be in school to do that and I can't afford it right now. I think that if I remain diligent and dedicated in my writing, something will open up, as long as I am honest and truthful with people. My faith requires that I am. I probably should clean up my language a little bit if I am going to write about spiritual and religious subjects, but also because it is highly unprofessional to use the kind of language I occasionally use. If I am going to be a good writer, and a successful one, I am going to have to narrow down my focus a little bit, and develop a few of the concepts I have further. I don't know which one I would pick, but I need to find an audience to appeal to. I kind of have an aversion to the ultra political, because I think most people have no idea what they are talking about and are just repeating the same basic talking points and quotes like a bunch of babbling parrots. I am not too fond of pop culture politics either. I think most people have no idea how policy is actually implemented in our government, so they focus on if the president's son is autistic or what dress Meliana is wearing today or something stupid and irrelevant like that. Most people are fairly simple, and are perfectly content with their comfortable lives and their simplified interests that don't get too deep in policy or social issues. A high percentage of people are easily manipulated, easily deceived, and horrendously confused about many issues our country faces. Even if people try to get more involved in social issues, they have no real ability to come up with original thought on those issues. They just follow the leftist or right-wing paradigm. My point is, you are not going to change peoples mind, enlighten anyone, or increase IQ's anytime soon in american politics, which is why I don't want to get too involved in it. I have learned that the people who are experts in a particular field in society are experts for a reason, and they have actually experienced the particular situations first-hand that the less informed are trying to change. When the experts try to inform the "less-informed," they run the risk of ignorance running amok in the people who have no idea what they are doing, and these people end up causing more problems than they solve because they don't have the background, education, or general capacity to understand these problems. This includes politicians. You don't have to be a genius to be a congressman, senator, or president. All you have to do is to appeal to peoples base emotions, desires, instincts, and hopes and you can ride a wave of popularity all the way to a public position! Yay politicians! This has been a fact of the human condition since we first experimented with republics and democracies thousands of years ago. Emperors and Senators in ancient Rome described the mob (or masses of people) as being fickle and easily disinterested or distracted. It hasn't changed much. Just because we have a 99% literacy rate in adults does not mean people are any more rational or any less easily manipulated. We implement the "bread and circuses" strategy of social control even more efficiently and effectively than the Romans did. The primary difference is that we don't force people to fight to the death in front of crowds. We have professional football that has the same pacifying and distracting affect on people without anybody dying (most of the time), and we have hollywood where we are so sophisticated in our special effects that we can very realistically reenact the horrors and blood of combat, conflict, and death and present it to an audience to consume the material as an intrigue or family fun movie night! The Romans knew, as we still know, that if you distract the majority of people with various forms of entertainment and provide plenty of food, Your population is gonna be pacified, because the innate human need for conflict and conflict resolution, as well as our predatory drive, is going to be satisfied by the movies we watch, the games we watch and play, and the social activities we partake in. No one cares about the health care bill that will jack premiums up 500% or the tax that was levied that will spike gas prices through the roof when you have the new Star Wars movie coming out or you hear about the details of Brad Pitt's divorce and custody battle or you find out who the number one draft pick for your favorite pro team was. Most people have a 24 hour memory. When they go to sleep there is the "next big thing" the next day. The new Apple, inc. product that comes out this day. Someone posted a picture of their favorite food on Facebook the next day. Barack Obama didn't put his hand on his heart at a public dinner during the pledge of allegiance! Oh goodness no, not something like that that gets the fickle talking about how disappointed they are in that action! The majority of the american public focuses on trivial, irrelevant, and pointless things that make them feel good, that give them a thrill, and produce very little value to society. I am one of them. I love me some football statistics. I love me some hollywood movies. I love me some video games once in a while. Entertainment is the second most valuable industry in the United States because people love it and its important function of social control; the distraction and confusion principle. Keep people distracted from the big problems the society faces, and keep them confused when they actually take an interest in solving them, leaving the work to fix or manipulate these problems in the hand of better, more interested, or more knowledgeable men. There is nothing wrong with entertainment. It adds life to our society. There is something wrong with how it can be used as a method of social control and social engineering. Entertainment is where most people get their ideas about life from an early age, and if you want to socially engineer a society, the media and entertainment industries are the perfect avenue for such a project. Wow, I went off on a BIG tangent! Woops! Anyways I met with a friend today who wants to help me with finances. I want to get to a point where I can start furthering my career in writing and incorporate my interests in history, the military, and other fields into that writing. I would love to be a war correspondent and bring back the news from some of these incredibly war-torn and victimized regions. I would have to get a pretty good degree for that. I need money to finish college. I need college to pursue a more lucrative career that pays well, and I need to find a job now that pays well so I can finish college and get paid "weller" haha. So now I have to find a second job on top of my gas station work and start saving money. I also have to explore my faith more in depth, all while I continue this blog. I hope at some point I can catch the eye of someone who is willing to aid me in my writing endeavor. An editor or someone who can work with me as I pursue my career. Thanks and god bless!


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